This is a tool that runs your Perl tests continuouslly when files change, helping you to TDD. Differently from provewatch, the provetdd
holds all loaded modules in memory, and only reload what it needed, making it exponentially faster to run when testing a huge Perl codebase.
Install it with cpan install Test::Tdd
and then:
provetdd t/path/to/Test.t
You can specify paths to add to INC and specific paths to watch
provetdd -Ilib --watch lib/path,lib/path2 t/path/to/Test.t
You can all run all tests in a folder
provetdd t/
If you have existing code where inputs are very hard to be recreated and you want to start doing tests for it, you can use this library to generate a new test by adding this two lines to your function:
sub untested_subroutine {
my ($self, $weird_params) = @_;
+ use Test::Tdd::Generator;
+ Test::Tdd::Generator::create_test('<test description>');
Now run your code as you would normally do to cause this function to be executed and watch the logs. This will save the inputs to a file and generate a test at the closest t/
folder, it will look like this:
it '<test description>' => sub {
my $input = Test::Tdd::Generator::load_input(dirname(__FILE__) . "/input/MyModule_does_something.dump");
my $result = MyModule::untested_subroutine(@{$input->{args}});
is($result, "fixme");
First install cpanm and Dist::Zilla
sudo cpan install App::cpanminus Dist::Zilla
If it fails you can force it
sudo cpan
> force install Dist::Zilla
Then install the dzil deps:
dzil authordeps --missing | sudo cpanm
Now you can install it locally
sudo dzil install
After installing, you can run the examples with:
export PATH="$(pwd)/bin:$PATH"
export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:$(pwd)/lib"
cd example
provetdd --watch lib t/Test.t
And test with:
provetdd --watch lib,t,example/lib t/Test/Tdd/Generator.t
To release a new version, follow this tutorial: