This project is a comprehensive tool for analyzing WhatsApp chat histories. It uses Python and Streamlit to visualize chat data, providing insights into messaging patterns and media sharing habits.
Before running this application, ensure you have Python installed on your system. Install all necessary libraries using the command below:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Upload and analyze WhatsApp chat files.
- Visualize statistics such as total messages, words, media shared, and links.
- Generate monthly and daily activity timelines.
- Display activity maps for days of the week and months.
- Create word clouds and conduct emoji analysis.
- Identify the most active users in group chats.
- Run the Streamlit app by executing the following command in your terminal:
streamlit run
- Upload your WhatsApp chat file through the sidebar.
- Select a user to analyze or choose “Overall” for group-wide statistics.
- Click “Show Analysis” to view various visualizations and statistics.
- The main Streamlit application script.
- Contains functions for preprocessing chat data.
- Includes functions for generating statistics and visualizations.
- requirements.txt: Specifies the required libraries.
- The application is designed to work with exported WhatsApp chat files.
- Ensure the chat file is in the correct format as exported directly from WhatsApp.