I love super heroes. I felt a project like this could brighten up my github portfolio 😉
This is a fullstack app built with Node, Express, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, React and Redux. It also features separate CI/CD pipelines for the back end and front end.
I used the Superhero API to fetch details about super heroes.
Working project link: Superhero Battles
- Graphql server: Continuously deployed on a Digital Ocean server using Github Actions.
- React app: Continuously deployed on Netlify.
- PostgreSQL: Hosted at ElephantSQL.
Language: Typescript
Package manager: Yarn
- Node.js
- Expres.js
- GraphQL
- Apollo Server
- PostgreSQL
- TypeGraphQL
- TypeORM
- Axios
- Nginx (reverse proxy)
- Let's Encrypt (for SSL certificate)
- React.js
- Apollo Client
- Redux
- Bootstrap
- React Router Dom
- Formik
- Yup
- Github Actions
- Netlify Automatic GitHub Depolyment
- PM2
- Responsive Application: The app looks good on all devices. Made possible with the help of bootstrap.
- Signup/Login: Authentication done with json web tokens.
- Search: Search for any superhero using the search bar on the homepage.
- View Details Of a Hero: View the complete details of a hero.
- Add Hero To Your Collection: If you like a hero, you can add it to your collection.
- View Account Details & Colelction: You can view your account details and the heroes in your collection.
- Organize Battles Between Heroes: You can make different heroes battle against each other [Coming Soon]