Chef's Arena is a coding platform similar to other online judges, implemented in React.js which helps programmers to participate in ongoing CodeChef contests and creating virtual contests. Participants can see their CodeChef profile, ranks, recent submissions of any problem or contest, and also can run the code in IDE. This application uses the CodeChef API to provide the services.
- Go to Complete Guide
- Problem Statements rendering with Markworn and MathJax
- Builtin IDE with popular themes and language-based highlighting
- Virtual contest
- NodeJs
- Codechef API access (to gain a access, mail at
- Go to App and Console
- Create New App
- Do following Steps
$ git clone
$ cd chefs-arena
$ cp .env.example .env (edit it with your api key and secret)
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000/
- For API Reference - CodeChef API documentation
- Rohit Bakoliya - rohitbakoliya
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE for details.