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Adani Solutions Backend This repository contains the backend code for the Adani Solutions project. The backend is built with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. It includes user authentication with JWT and OTP verification using Twilio.
Features User registration and login JWT-based authentication OTP verification using Twilio CRUD operations for user profiles File uploads for profile pictures Prerequisites Node.js (v12 or higher) MongoDB Twilio account
Getting Started Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/rohitchourey0809/Backend-Adaani-Digital
API Endpoints
- POST /api/register: Register a new user
- POST /api/login: Login a user
- POST /api/send-otp: Send OTP to the user's phone number
- POST /api/verify-otp: Verify the OTP
- GET /api/user: Get the logged-in user's profile
- PUT /api/user: Update the logged-in user's profile