DataScience is the one of the most popular methods to acquire meaning from the data. Hundreds of tools and algorithms have been using for many years. Today scientists created a method which is a process of problem solution steps, DataScience . Nowadays, DataScience is the most popular method. Below titles are the steps of DataScience, generally applying steps are such as Identify the Problem, Find available data source, Data munging, Applying algorithms, visualize the process, and finally report your result and maintenance if require.
Finding mysterious problems to analyze your system and acquire suggesting or predicting results from your stored data. Stories are being told!
Data is the blood of your system. Here is the blood donation box.
Make your data readable and prepare in order to use in your system properly. So this step is most important part of your process. This page can be a good list for you!
Data Mining and Machine Learning algorithms can be applied to your problems. Engineers work to find best algorithms.
Visualization tools've been creating and sharing in the Internet for a long time. In fact, Visualization is a kind of Art and lots of visualization artists create and develope visualization tools day by day. Look at this page! You can find magnificent data visualization tools in order to make your project as a masterpiece.
Project has not finished yet. This step makes your system dynamic and helps your results alive. Do you know how can you report you results ?