Are you also the foodie? Do you love Desserts? Bakin Mania is for you! Its the Fun Quiz App which tests your knowledge on Cakes, Muffins, Indian Sweets and Baking!
$ git
$ cd bakinMania-react
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Landing Page
- Rules Page
- Authentication (Login, Signup and Logout) Pages
- Password Reset Page
- MCQ based Question Page
- Result Page with Answers & Score
- Leaderboard
- Dashboard
- 404 (Not Found) Page
- Authentication including Login, Signup and Logout using Firebase. All the authentication forms have the proper validation.
- Password Reset Form with validation, the reset link will be sent to user's email.
- Landing Page with Featured Quiz Categories. User can choose the quiz to play by selecting category.
- Share Quiz - User can share the link of the quiz with others.
- Landing Page with Featured Quiz Categories. User can choose the quiz to play by selecting category. User can share the quiz with others.
- Rules page displaying the rules for the Quiz
- Question Page with four options.
- Timer for every question.
- Quit Quiz on the Question Page.
- User cannot go back to Previous Question.
- Results page displaying the correct answers, answers chosen by user and the score for that quiz.
- Leaderboard displaying the scores of all participants with their rank, name and total score.
- Dashboard with user's details and the progress with all the quiz history of user. Retake option to take the quiz again.
- Toggle Theme - Light and Dark Theme, theme is persistent even after page refresh.
- Alerts in the app to notify the users about success/failure operations.
- Loader is shown while the information is fetched.
- 404 Page as the fallback for the routes not present in the project.
- All the screens are Responsive.
- Typescript with React JS
- Firebase for Backend
- React Router v6
- React Context API + useReducer
- Vanilla CSS integrated with Muffin UI Component Library
- Git For Version Control
- Netlify for Deployment
- Cloudinary for Image Hosting of Quiz Thumbnails