iniload is an easy-to-use, header-only INI file loader written in ANSI C.
Do not forget to #define INILOAD_IMPLEMENTATION
in one of your source files before including iniload.h:
A minimal example:
#include "iniload.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
ini_file *ini = ini_load("settings.ini");
if (ini == NULL) {
return -1;
float volume = ini_get_float(ini, "audio", "volume", 1.0f);
int nproc = ini_get_int(ini, "", "nproc", 1);
char *path = ini_get_string(ini, "", "path", "default");
printf("%f, %d, %s", volume, nproc, path);
return 0;
By default, the names of sections and keys cannot be longer than 128. This limit can be increased by #define INILOAD_NAME_MAXLEN *your value*
before including iniload.h in the file where you defined INILOAD_IMPLEMENTATION