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Repository files navigation


Made with:

  • ruby 2.4.1p111 (2017-03-22 revision 58053) [x86_64-linux]
  • rbenv 1.1.1-6-g2d7cefe
  • Rails 5.1.4

ER diagram


  • FactoryBot instead of fixtures;
  • Unit tests;
  • Integration tests (request specs);
  • I chose to work with requests specs instead of controllers specs due to the recommendation of the creators of Rails and RSpec, since it is a more comprehensive type of test, avoiding unnecessary granularization;
  • I'm randomizing the tests order so that can be more robust. You can disable this feature by commenting the line config.order = :random at spec_helper.rb;
  • I'm using the gem 'spring-commands-rspec' in order to increase the loading speed of the specs;

How to run the tests

bundle exec spring rspec Somehting like that should be displayed after running this command:

Finished in 2.28 seconds (files took 0.26843 seconds to load) 129 examples, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 49082

How to run locally:

  • Clone this repository
  • bundle install
  • bundle exec rake db:create
  • bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Setup vars at .env file
  • I recommend adding the following configuration to your hosts file (/etc/hosts in Linux)
  • rails s
  • redis-server


  • I used PostgreSQL. Remember to edit the database params at .env file.
  • You can execute the seeds if you want (seeds.rb)

How to send requests to the API

  • Base URL:
  • For security reasons, you must send the Accept header with the following value: application/fractal.punk.v2


  • Don't forget to start the Redis server: opena another terminal window and run redis-server


  • API is versioned
  • CORS is enabled
  • Rate Limiting and Throttling configured