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Exporting to wsmtools

Ronel M edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 1 revision

This section assumes you know about the other project, wsmtools, which is responsible for importing/exporting sets and deck lists to various destinations.

Exporting Your Set

  1. Click on the "Export" Button next to the "Save" button.


  2. Click on HTML to open "Export to HTML" dialog.

  3. Put any information as necessary.

  4. Save as .ws-set. If you also exported images, those will be included in a separate directory.

    image image

  5. In your wsmtools directory, open Terminal/PowerShell and parse it using the command:

    ./wstools parse /path/to/
  6. In your Images sub-directory, put all the images found in your-files subdirectory where your .ws-set directory was saved.

Building Your Deck

(Currently WIP since there's no deck builder GUI yet.)

  1. Create a json file with your deck ratios; a sample is provided here.
  2. This assumes you know how wsmtools work. If not, you can follow the instructions from here to install ShareX and open TTS on Single Player.
  3. Use this command to export the decklist to TTS:
    ./wstools export /path/to/your_deck.json --with sendtcp,upscaling --out sharex
  4. If no errors have occurred, you can proceed to put in the uploaded image link and a sleeves image link of your choice. image
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