layout | title |
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RoomRTC enables quick development of WebRTC |
Creating a new roomrtc application is easy and then you can send video
, audio
, message
and data
in realtime.
Here is the list of demos you can do with roomrtc:
- Video chat
- Audio chat
- File transfer
- getUserMedia constraints
- Capture Photos from Camera
- And more ...
<script src=""></script>
var roomrtc = new RoomRTC();
var remoteVideos = {};
roomrtc.initMediaSource().then(stream => {
var streamUrl = roomrtc.getStreamAsUrl(stream);
// Show local stream in some video/canvas element.
}).catch(err => {
console.error('Failed to get local stream', err);
roomrtc.on('videoAdded', function(pc, stream) {
var pid =;
var streamUrl = roomrtc.getStreamAsUrl(stream);
console.log('Ohh, we have a new participant', pid);
remoteVideos[pid] = streamUrl;
// Show remote stream in some video/canvas element.
roomrtc.on('videoRemoved', function(pc) {
var pid =;
var url = remoteVideos[pid];
console.log('Ohh, a participant has gone', pid);
delete remoteVideos[url];
var room = 'demo';
roomrtc.on('readyToCall', function (id) {
.then(roomData => {
console.log('joinRoom ok: ', roomData);
return roomData.clients;
.catch(err => {
console.error('joinRoom error: ', err);