gittargets (development) gittargets 0.0.7 Migrate tests to targets >= progress statuses ("completed" instead of "built", "dispatched" instead of "started"). gittargets 0.0.6 Import callr::r(). gittargets 0.0.5 Use processx::run() instead of system2() in tar_git_ok() and set HOME to USERPROFILE on Windows (#12, @psychelzh). Handle errors invoking Git to get global user name and email. gittargets 0.0.4 Compatibility with {targets} 0.13.0. gittargets 0.0.3 Fix an example for CRAN. gittargets 0.0.2 Hard reset after checkout in tar_git_checkout() in order to recover potentially deleted files (#11). gittargets 0.0.1 Join rOpenSci. Rewrite README to motivate the use case. Remove workflow diagram. Simplify snapshot model diagram. Fix the documentation of the ref argument of tar_git_checkout(). Add a section to the git.Rmd vignette on code merges. Allow command line Git tests to run locally on Windows. First version.