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Releases: ropensci/rgbif

rgbif v1.0.0

02 Jul 22:26
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  • occ_issues() now works with download data and arbitrary data.frame's (#193)
  • New downloads queueing tools: gains functions occ_download_prep() for preparing a download request without executing it, and occ_download_queue() for kicking off many download jobs while respecting GBIF's downloads rate limits. See also internal R6 classes for dealing with queuing: DownReq, GifQueue. See ?occ_download_queue to get started (#266) (#305) (#311)
  • New function map_fetch() working with the GBIF maps API See ?map_fetch to get started (#238) (#269) (#284) thanks to @JanLauGe for the work on this
  • name_lookup() gains origin parameter (#288) (#293) thanks @peterdesmet and @damianooldoni
  • name_lookup() and name_usage() gain internal paging - just as occ_search()/occ_data() have (#291) (see also #281) thanks @damianooldoni
  • new import lazyeval, and new suggests png and raster
  • occ_search()/occ_data() gain parameter skip_validate (boolean) to skip or not stkip WKT validation by the wicket package


  • removed warnings about parameters that were removed in previous versions of the package (#189)
  • add citation file (#189)
  • updated name_usage() to check params that now only allow 1 value: name, language, datasetKey, rank (#287)
  • occ_count() loses nubKey, catalogNumber, and hostCountry as those parameters are no longer accepted by GBIF


  • fixed bug in name_usage(), was screwing something up internally (#286)
  • fixed bug in occ_data(): curl options weren't being passed through (#297)
  • fixed geometry usage in occ_search()/occ_data() - skipping the wicket validation and constructing WKT by hand from bounding box (if bounding box given) - the validation that wicket does isn't what GBIF wants (#303)
  • add fill parameter to occ_download_import() to pass on to fill in data.table::fread, and set fill=TRUE as default. (#292)
  • better failure for occ_download() (#300)
  • fix bug in occ_download() in which a single taxonKey passed in was failing (#283)
  • name_usage() was ignoring datasetKey and uuid parameters (#290)


  • gbifmap() has been removed, see the package mapr for similar functionality and map_fetch() in this package to use the GBIF map API (#298)

rgbif v0.9.9

10 Nov 23:16
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  • Gains new functions occ_download_datasets and occ_download_dataset_activity to list datasets for a download,
    and list the downloads activity of a dataset (#275) (#276)
  • Gains a new vignette covering working with GBIF downloads
    in rgbif (#262)


  • Guidance added to docs for downloads functions on length of the
    request body (#263)
  • Changed authentication details (user name, password, email) for
    downloads to allow any of the options: pass in as arguments,
    store as R options, store as environment variables (#187)
  • gbif_citation() function gains an S3 method for passing the
    output of occ_download_meta() to it. In addition, for downloads
    gbif_citation() now returns a citation for the entire download
    (including) its DOI, in addition to citations for each dataset (#274)
    thanks @dnoesgaard


  • Fix documentation bug in occ_count(): georeferenced had a
    misleading description of what the value FALSE did (#265)
  • Fixed bug in gbifmap() - was failing in some cases - better
    error handlingn now (#271) thanks @TomaszSuchan
  • Fixed occ_download_cancel_staged(): it wasn't passing on authentication
    parameters correctly (#280)

rgbif v0.9.8

18 Apr 21:14
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  • The GBIF API supports passing in many instances of the same
    parameter for some parameters on some routes. Previously we
    didn't support this feature, but now we do. See the
    ?many-values manual file for details. added docs to
    individual functions that support this, and added additional
    tests (#200) (#260) (#261)
  • We've removed V8 dependency and replaced with C++ based
    WKT parser package wicket. We still use rgeos for some
    WKT parsing. rgbif functions that use wicket: gbif_bbox2wkt,
    gbif_wkt2bbox, check_wkt (#243)
  • httr replaced with crul for HTTP reqeusts. As part of
    this change, the ... parameter was replaced in most functions
    by curlopts which expects a list. Some functions require
    a ... parameter for facet inputs, so ... is retained
    with the addition of curltops parameter. A result of this
    change is that whereas in the past parameters that were not
    defined in a function that also had a ... parameter
    would essentially silently ignore that undefined parameter,
    but with functions where ... was removed a misspelled
    or undefined parameter will cause an error with message (#256)


  • moved to markdown docs (#258)
  • namespacing calls to base R pkgs instead of importing them


  • Fixed problem in occ_download_import() to allow import
    of csv type download in addition to darwin core archive.
    additional change to occ_download_get to add format
    attribute stating which format (#246)
  • fix to occ_download_import adding fill=TRUE to
    the data.table::fread call (#257)

rgbif v0.9.7

21 Jan 00:12
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  • occ_dowload gains new parameter body to allow users to pass in
    JSON or a list for the query instead of passing in statements to
    .... See examples in ?occ_dowload.


  • Now using tibble for compact data.frame output for
    occ_download_import instead of bespoke internal solution (#240)
  • Moved all GBIF API requests to use https instead of http (#244)
  • Improved print method for occ_download_meta


  • Fix to occ_download to structure query correctly when
    type=within and geometry used because the structure is slightly
    different than when not using geometry (#242)
  • Fixed occ_download to allow OR queries for many values of a
    parameter, e.g., taxonKey=2475470,2480946 will be queried correctly
    now as essentially taxonKey=2475470 or taxonKey=2480946 (#245)

rgbif v0.9.6

06 Dec 16:45
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  • Fixed a bug in parsenames() caused by some slots in the list
    being NULL (#237)
  • Fixed some failing tests: occ_facet() tests were failing due to
    changes in GBIF API (#239)
  • Fixes to gbif_oai_get_records() for slight changes in oai
    dependency pkg (#236)

rgbif v0.9.5

06 Oct 13:37
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  • occ_search() now has faceted search. This feature is not in occ_data()
    as that function focuses on getting occurrence data quickly, so will not
    do get facet data. This means that a new slot is available in the output
    object from occ_search(), namely facets. Note that rgbif has had
    faceted search for the species search route (name_lookup()) and the
    registry search route (dataset_search()) for quite a while. (#215)
  • new function (occ_facet()) to facilitate retrieving only
    facet data, so no occurrence data is retrieved. (#215) (#229)
  • A suite of new parameters added to occ_search() and
    occ_data() following addition the GBIF search API: subgenusKey,
    repatriated, phylumKey, kingdomKey,
    classKey, orderKey, familyKey, genusKey, establishmentMeans,
    protocol, license, organismId, publishingOrg, stateProvince,
    waterBody, locality (#216) (#224)
  • New parameter spellCheck added to occ_search() and
    occ_data() that if TRUE spell checks anything passed to the search
    parameter (same as q parameter on GBIF API; which is a full text
    search) (#227)
  • New function occ_spellcheck to spell check search terms, returns
    TRUE if no spelling problems, or a list with info on suggestions
    if not.
  • Both occ_search() and occ_data() now have ability to support
    queries where limit=0, which for one should be possible and not
    fail as we did previously, and second, this makes it so that you
    can do faceted searches (See above) and not have to wait for occurrence
    records to be returned. (#222)
  • MULTIPOLYGON well known text features now supported in the GBIF
    API. Previously, you could not query geometry with more than
    one polygon (POLYGON), but now you can. (#222)


  • Improved docs for occ_count(), especially for the set of
    allowed parameter options that the GBIF count API supports
  • occ_count() gains new parameter typeStatus to indicate the
    specimen type status.
  • When no results found, the data slot now returns NULL instead
    of a character string


  • Fixes to gbif_photos(): 1) Mapbox URLs to their JS and CSS assets
    were out of date, and API key needed. 2) In RStudio, the table view
    was outputting errors due to serving files on localhost:<port>
    instead of simply opening the file; fixed now by checking platform
    and using simple open file command appropriate for the OS. (#228) (#235)

rgbif v0.9.4

29 Jun 16:37
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  • Now using tibble in most of the package when the output is
    a data.frame (#204)
  • New vignette Taxonomic Names for discussing some common names
    problems users may run into, and some strategies for dealing with
    taxonomic names when using GBIF (#208) (#209)


  • Replaced is() with inherits(), no longer importing methods() (#219)
  • Improved docs for registry functions. Not all options were listed
    for the data parameter, now they are (#210)
  • Fixed documentation error in gbifmap() man file (#212) thanks to @rossmounce


rgbif v0.9.3

29 Mar 14:33
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  • occ_data() and occ_search() gain ability to more flexibly deal with inputs to the
    geometry parameter. Previously, long WKT strings passed to occ_search() or
    occ_data() would fail because URIs can only be so long. Another option is to use
    the download API (see ?downloads). This version adds the ability to choose what to
    do with long WKT strings via the geom_big parameter: asis (same as previous version),
    bbox which detects if a WKT sting is likely too long, and creates a bounding box from the
    WKT string then once data is retrived, clips the result to the original WKT string; axe
    uses the geoaxe package to chop up the input WKT polygon into many, with toggles in the
    new parameters geom_size and geom_n. (#197) (#199)
  • As part of this change, when >1 geometry value passed, or if geom_big="axe", then
    named elements of the output get names geom1, geom2, geom3, etc. instead of the
    input WKT strings - this is because WKT strings can be very long, and make for very
    awkward named access to elements. The original WKT strings can still be accessed via
    attr(result, "args")$geometry


  • code tidying throughout the package


  • Fix parsing bug in name_usage() function, see commit e88cf01cc11cb238d44222346eaeff001c0c637e
  • Fix to tests to use new testthat fxn names, e.g., expect_gt()
    instead of expect_more_than()
  • Fix to occ_download() to parse error correctly when empty body passed from
    GBIF (#202)

gbif v0.9.2

02 Feb 02:39
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  • New function occ_data() - its primary purpose to perform faster data requests. Whereas
    occ_search() gives you lots of data, including taxonomic hierarchies and media records,
    occ_data() only gives occurrence data. (#190)


  • Replaced XML with xml2 (#192)
  • Speed ups to the following functions due to use of data.table::rbindlist() for
    fast list to data.frame coercion: name_lookup(), name_backbone(), name_suggest(),
    name_usage(), and parsenames() (#191)
  • Changes to httr usage to comply with changes in httr >= v1.1.0: now setting
    encoding explicitly to UTF-8 and parsing all data manually, using the internal
    function function(x) content(x, "text", encoding = "UTF-8") (#195)


  • Fix to internal function move_col() to not fail on fields that don't exist.
    Was failing sometimes when no latitude or longitude columns were returned. (#196)

rgbif v0.9.0

25 Nov 07:00
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  • New set of functions (gbif_oai_*()) for working with
    GBIF registry OAI-PMH service. Now importing oai package to
    make working with GBIF's OAI-PMH service easier (#183)
  • Added code of conduct (#180)
  • Now sending user-agent header with all requests from this
    package to GBIF's servers indicating what version of rgbif
    and that it's an ropensci package. Looks like
    r-curl/0.9.4 httr/1.0.0 rOpenSci(rgbif/0.9.0), with whatever
    versions of each package you're using. We also pass a user-agent
    string with the header X-USER-AGENT in case the useragent
    header gets stripped somewhere along the line (#185)
  • New function gbif_citation() helps get citations for datasets
    eith using the occurrence search API via occ_search() or the
    downloads API via occ_downlad() (#178) (#179)


  • Using importFrom instead of import in all cases now.
  • Parameter collectorName changed to recordedBy (#184)


  • Fix to occ_download_meta() print method to handle 1 or more predicate results (#186)
  • Fix to occ_issues() to work with return=data and return=all occ_search() output (#188)