picellif (an anagram of fileclip) is a tool to send a list of filenames to the Microsoft Windows clipboard. It's based on articles and code from, among other places
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2013/05/20/10419965.aspx
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/25852460/1008142
picellif.exe is a console programme, while picellifw.exe a GUI (or no-console) programme; otherwise these two are identical.
Use it like this:
picellif file-current-dir.txt d:\absolute\path\is\ok ..\patterns*work*too.png
picellif.el has two Emacs functions that use this tool, one for Dired mode, and the other for the current buffer's file.
picellif has been tested on Windows 7 64-bit only. It compiles with Microsoft SDK 7.0 x64 (I didn't test the x86 compiler), and with the version of mingw-w64 that comes with Ubuntu 14.04. I may have used some features not available on older versions of Windows.
- better error messages
- dialog box messages for picellifw.exe
to allow patterns to have no matches- automated tests