Note - consider using "us/" as a basis for a state with many protections, and "us/" as a basis for a state that officially persecutes trans people.
(Summary of protections / risks for travelers - one or two sentences of the most important info)
(Summary of custody / child abuse concerns)
- (Does the non-discrimination law include LGBT people?)
- (Are trans men, trans women, and non-binary people allowed to use all public accommodations as their gender?)
- (Is there a drag ban?)
For USA, include: See the USA TSA document.
Otherwise, list travel requirements relevant to trans people.
- (How are prisoners housed?)
- (Are there legal definitions of sex, male, female, woman, man, girl, boy? List them if there are.)
(Are non-binary people legally recognized?)
(Are intersex people an "exception" to any of these definitions? Which intersex people, if there is a definition?)
- (Is medical care legal for everyone? If not, who isn't it legal for?)
- (Is transition considered child abuse?)
- (If parents are trans, is that considered child abuse?)
- (Is there any sanctuary laws, or not?)
- (Does being trans impact relationship recognition?)
- (Are there laws that may be useful for people to know about, with links?)
(how safe is it, outside of laws? Is trans-bashing common?)
- (List resources for civil rights complaints, relevant discussions of safety, etc)