the codes are generated and refined using chatgpt I've invested only my ideas to get the job done 👍
the codes are automated to a great extent so you'll don't need to get involved excessively
I'd like if you give credits to me in your code if you fork these codes
usage for python scripts is as follows: copy the code-> open terminal -> type: nano (where xxx is what you name the file)-> paste the copied code in file -> press ctrl+o and hit enter -> press ctrl+x to exit nano -> make sure python3 is installed-> run the python script by typing and entering this on your terminal: python> as codes are automated they'll ask you filepaths for the files to be processed, the output file shall be saved in the same directory-> modify the scripts as per your choice and use chatgpt for help later approach here
usage for bash scripts is as follows: copy the code-> open terminal -> type and enter: nano xxx (where xxx will be your file name) -> paste the copied code into the file -> press ctrl+o press enter press ctrl+x -> now on terminal type and enter: sudo chmod +x xxx (where xxx is what you named the file)-> now you can run those scripts by typing and hitting enter: ./xxx
more updates will be made to this wierd readme and codes😜🤪 this coding noob wishes you a very happy and crazy coding journey ahead