Here you find listings to useful media creations that can help beginners in different ways.
- Nahamsec - Educational Videos and VODs of his Stream, Vlogs
- STÖK - Videos About Hacking, Live Events, Bug Bounty Tips & Vlogs
- LiveOverflow - Educational Videos about CTFs, Hacking in General
- TomNomNom- Educational Videos about Hacking, Scripting, Bug Bounty, Writing your own Tools
- The Cyber Mentor - Educational Videos about InfoSec, Penetration Testing, Web Security, Scripting, etc.
- InsiderPhD - An excellent Introduction series for beginners to help them find their first bug.
- PwnFunction explanatory videos about Web App vulnerabilities
- DEFCONConference - Tons of Talks from Defcon.
- Jason Haddix - VODs of his Stream
- Nahamsec on Twitch
- d0nutptr on Twitch
- The Cyber Mentor on Twitch
- The Blind Hacker on Twitch
- Jason Haddix on Twitch
- Real-World Bug Hunting by Peter Yaworski
- The Web Application Hacker's Handbook by Dafydd Stuttard & Marcus Pinto
- The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications by Michal Zalewski
- Web Hacking 101: How to Make Money Hacking Ethically by Peter Yaworski
- Black Hat Go by Tom Steele, Chris Patten, and Dan Kottmann
- Black Hat Python by Justin Seitz
In general "no starch press" offers great books in the hacking category. Humble Bundle sometimes offfers great book deals for an awesome price, so have a eye out for those.
This List does not exclusively contains Bug Bounty themed Accounts but a broad variety of InfoSec and Hacking.
Name | Topics |
@AlyssaHerrera | BB |
@Bugcrowd | BB, Platform |
@DailySwig | Web Technologie, News |
@DanielMiessler | Security, Researcher, SecLists |
@Dinosn | Researcher, News, Tools |
@EdOverflow | Developer, Researcher, @LiveOverflow in disguise |
@GoogleVRP | VRP, Program |
@GossiTheDog | Researcher |
@Hacker0x01 | BB, Platform |
@HackerSploit | General Hacking, Youtuber |
@InsiderPhD | BB, Teaching, YouTuber, Beginner friendy content |
@JHaddix | BB, Bugcrowd, Streaming |
@KitPloit | News, Tools |
@LiveOverflow | Hacking, CTF, Teaching, YouTuber, @EdOverflow in disguise |
@MalwareTechBlog | RE, Security, Hacking, News |
@NahamSec | BB, Teaching, Streaming |
@Peerlyst | Articles, Peer Powered Publications |
@PortSwigger | BB, News, BurpSuite |
@PwnFunction | YouTuber, Teaching, Web Technologie |
@Regala_(Fisher) | BB, DISTURBANCE, Podcaster |
@Rosenawesome | Hacking, Events |
@TheBlindHacker | Hacking, Streamer |
@TheHackerNews | News |
@TheParanoids | BB, "Program" |
@TomNomNom | Coding, BB, Hacking, DISTURBANCE, Tools |
@_johnhammond | Hacking, Web Technologies, Coding, CTF |
@_sn0ww | Social Enineering, OSINT |
@ajxchapman | BB, Researcher |
@albinowax | News, BB, Web Technologies, Researcher, BurpSuite |
@autothreat | Hacking, Cars |
@brutelogic | Researcher, Teaching, XSS |
@ceos3c | YouTuber, General Hacking, Teaching |
@d0nutptr | BB, Researcher, (Rust.) |
@daeken | BB, Researcher |
@evilsocket | Hacking, Coding, Hardware, Tools |
@firebounty | BB, Platform |
@fluxfingers | CTF |
@fs0c131y | Mobile Applications, Hacking, Web Technologies, Researcher |
@hakluke | Researcher, Coding, Tools |
@intigriti | BB, Platform |
@jerh17 | BB, Researcher, Platform |
@lorenzofb | Journalist |
@maddiestone | Project Zero, Researcher |
@malwareunicorn | Researcher, RE, Malware, Unicorn |
@mongobug | BB, Researcher |
@nahamsec | BB, Researcher, YouTuber, Streamer, Teaching, Recon |
@nnwakelam | BB, Researcher |
@openbugbounty | Platform |
@orange_8361 | BB, Researcher |
@owasp | OWASP |
@samykamkar | Hacking, News, Tools, Hardware |
@securinti | Researcher, BB |
@spaceraccoonsec | Researcher, BB |
@stokfredrik | Researcher, BB, YouTuber, Teaching, Sunglasses |
@synack | Platform, Team, BB |
@thecybermentor | Streamer, Youtuber, General Hacking, Teaching |
@thedawgyg | BB |
@thegrugq | Researcher |
@yaworsk | BB, Researcher, Author |
@yeswehack | BB, Platform |
@zseano | BB, Teaching |
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