Classification of high frequency oscillations using deep learning in pediatric chronic intracranial electroencephalogram
Source Code of paper
Authors: Yipeng Zhang, Qiujing Lu, Tonmoy Monsoor, Shaun A. Hussain, Joe X Qiao, Noriko Salamon, Aria Fallah, Myung Shin Sim, Eishi Asano, Raman Sankar, Richard J. Staba, Anatol Bragin, Jerome Engel Jr., William Speier, Vwani Roychowdhury, and *Hiroki Nariai
All of the code including Matlab and Python is tested under Ubuntu 18.04
The python code is tested under python 3.7.7 and torch 1.6.0
To install all of the required packages
conda create HFO-Classification
conda activate HFO-Classification
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install the required packages following the instructions in Requirements section
- Prepare datset: follow Step 1,2 in Data pre-processing section. After Step 2, you should have following data hirerachy:
│ │ data.npz
│ │ data.npz
- Prepare model: have your train model ready for artifacts, HFO-w-skipe and epileptogenic HFOs in ckpt folder and name them as
- modify the fields in config/config_inference_HFO.ini
- work_dir : the root dir of this repo
- data_dir : the path for data_classification
- res_dir : the location you want to dump the result
- model_dir :the ckpt dir
- device : which device you want to use
- Run the code below and the results will be dumped into res_dir folder as CSV
nohup python -c config/config_inference_HFO.ini > logs/log_inference &
Extract HFO from original .edf file and convert the detected HFO information as well as its features to pytorch friendly dataset
The raw data hierarchy:
│ │ data1.edf
└───patient_name2 (example for patient with multiple edfs)
│ data1.edf
│ data2.edf
- Specify input_data_dir as the path of your edf datafolder in RIPPLELAB_API/run_HFO_detector.m line 6
- Run RIPPLELAB_API/run_HFO_detector.m, detected HFO result will be saved into your edf datafolder with filename endding with ".rhfe"
- Specify your edf datafolder in config/config_preprocessing.ini in datain_90 field
- Run the following command and the data.npz will be created in each patient folder
python data_preprocessing/create_data_90min/ -c config/config_preprocessing.ini
step 3: Generate your TRAINING data (Only use the following steps if you want to retrain the networks)
Two tasks can be done using this framework, both of them requires
- Classify artifacts, HFO-with-spike and HFO-without-spike using annotated HFOs
- Discover eHFOs using trained artifacts classfier and channel-wise clinical information (soz, resected)
- It require three .rhfe files in each patient folder, make sure these three files are in each patient folder
{X}\_original.rhfe: raw HFO detection {X}-verified_STE.rhfe: annotated HFO without artifacts (from expert) {X}-HFO-spike_STE.rhfe: annotated HFO-with-spike (from expert)
- specify the datain_10 and dataout_10 in config/config_preprocessing.ini
- in the terminal run the following command
python data_preprocessing/create_data_10min/ -c config/config_preprocessing.ini
python data_preprocessing/create_data_10min/ -c config/config_preprocessing.ini
It require one .rhfe file in each patient folder and a csv with channels' remove and soz information a template file is located in data_preprocessing/Channel_Status_08162020.xlsx
- specify the datain_90, dataout_90, and channel_annotation in config/config_preprocessing.ini
- in the terminal run the following command
python data_preprocessing/create_data_90min/ -c config/config_preprocessing.ini
The labels for the training will be generated based on the artifacts model, we will go through it later
- Specify all patient names in The names should exactly match with those patient_nameX in your edf datafolder
- Specify seizure-free patient names. The names should be a subset of all patient names
- You may use
os.listdir(your edf datafolder)
to get all patient names from your edf datafolder
- In config/config_10min_all_patient.ini, Specify working_dir (the "root" path) data_dir (same as dataout_10 in data preprocessing step3) and res_dir
- In the termimal run the following command
nohup python -c config/config_10min_all_patient.ini > logs/log_train_10min_all_patient &
- In config/config_10min_patientwise_elimination.ini, specify working_dir (the "root" path) data_dir (same as dataout_10 in data preprocessing step3) and res_dir
- In the termimal run the following command
nohup python -c config/config_10min_patientwise_elimination.ini > logs/log_train_10min_patientwise_elimination &
- Specify the required fields in config/config_10min_inference_90min.ini
- In the termimal run the following command
nohup python -c config/config_10min_inference_90min.ini > logs/log_10min_inference_90min &
- Specify the required fields in config/config_10min_inference_90min.ini
- In the termimal run the following command
nohup python -c config/config_10min_inference_90min.ini > logs/log_10min_inference_90min &
- Specify inference_res (same as res_dir in previous step) in config/config_preprocessing.ini
python data_preprocessing/create_data_90min/ -c config/config_preprocessing.ini
- Specify the required fields in config/config_90min_all_patient.ini
- In the termimal run the following command
nohup python -c config/config_90min_all_patient.ini > logs/log_train_reverse_all_patients &
- Specify the required fields in config/config_90min_patientwise_elimination.ini
- In the termimal run the following command
nohup python -c config/config_90min_patientwise_elimination.ini > logs/log_train_90min_patientwise_elimination &
nohup python -c config/config_90min_inference_90min.ini > logs/log_90min_inference_90min &
nohup python -c config/config_90min_inference_10min.ini > logs/log_90min_inference_10min &
You can email if you have any question :)