PGN Mirror. There will be dups, dirty data, errors, GM draws etc -- the data will probably need to be post-processed, filtered, deduped etc.
Command-line tools can be 235x faster than your Hadoop cluster
The first thing to do is get a lot of game data. This proved more difficult than I thought it would be, but after some looking around online I found a git repository on GitHub from rozim that had plenty of games. I used this to compile a set of 3.46GB of data, which is about twice what Tom used in his test. The next step is to get all that data into our pipeline
This command should run for everyone: nice -19 time pgn-extract -C -D -N -s -V -Z --fixresulttags --nobadresults --nosetuptags --plycount -o mega-clean.pgn /.pgn
This is what I ran as I already had files named "mega-clean.pgn" in each subdir. Circa 2023-12-12 there were approx 10M games and resulting file is 3.9G. nice -19 time pgn-extract -C -D -N -s -V -Z --fixresulttags --nobadresults --nosetuptags --plycount -o mega-clean.pgn */mega-clean.pgn 813.86 real 539.93 user 264.68 sys
This gets rid of older games when ratings were not recorded, even for games like world championships.
nice -19 time pgn-extract -t filter/filter-2400.txt -o mega-clean-base-2400.pgn -l log.txt < mega-clean.pgn 655MB, 863k games 111.70 real 105.24 user 5.01 sys
mega-clean.pgn: 5,092,808 mega-clean-2400.pgn: 808,201 mega-clean-2600.pgn: 103,658