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Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P1Ch07b_Functors_AcrossCats.lhs
This note explores generalized definition of Functor typeclass that works with other categories than Hask.
It also provides some example Functors for the category A->B=>C
defined in
N_P1Ch03b_FiniteCats. The interesting bit is that a given type constructor can now
have several possible functor instances.
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, FlexibleInstances
, KindSignatures
, DataKinds
, FlexibleContexts
, StandaloneDeriving
module CTNotes.P1Ch07b_Functors_AcrossCats where
import Data.Functor.Const (Const(..))
import Control.Category
import Prelude(undefined, ($), Show)
import qualified CTNotes.P1Ch03b_FiniteCats as FinCat
Package categories
(module Control.Categorical.Functor
) and category-extras
(module Control.Functor.Categorical
define CFunctor
(quoted code):
class (Category r, Category s) => CFunctor f r s | f r -> s, f s -> r where
cmap :: r a b -> s (f a) (f b)
(Taken from category-extras
, categories
just calls it Functor
Ignoring functional dependencies I define non-endofunctors as:
class (Category r, Category s) => CFunctor f r s where
cmap :: r a b -> s (f a) (f b)
With PolyKinds
in place this assumes most generic kinds for r
and s
, r :: k1 -> k1 -> *
r :: k2 -> k2 -> *
. That makes the definition usable with non-Hask categories like the categories
I created in N_P1Ch03b_FiniteCats or N_P1Ch03a_NatsCat
Here is one polymorphic instance:
instance (Category r) => CFunctor (Const a) r (->) where
cmap _ (Const v) = Const v
is defined (in Data.Functor.Const
, base package) as
newtype Const a b = Const { getConst :: a }
ghci> :k Const
Const :: * -> k -> *
does not restrict kind of b
, but the destination category has to have objects of kind *
(it does not need to be (->)
I was able to define instance of CFunctor
polymorphically (in r
) because Const
does not care about source category.
I have to use (->) for destination, because this is what the implementation \Const v -> Const v
is using.
To show that this works, I use category defined in the imported notes N_P1Ch03b_FiniteCats.
test :: Const a (x :: FinCat.Object) -> Const a (x :: FinCat.Object)
test = cmap FinCat.MorphId
But this would not compile:
-- Bad code
test :: Const a (x :: FinCat.Object) -> Const a (x :: FinCat.Object)
test = cmap FinCat.MorphAB
Contravariant functor
Generalized contravariant functor just flips the morphism in r
class (Category r, Category s) => CContraFunctor f r s where
ccmap :: r b a -> s (f a) (f b)
HomSet as Functor
instance CFunctor (FinCat.HomSet a) FinCat.HomSet (->) where
cmap morph x = morph . x
A Simple Example
Returning to the example category A->B=>C
I can think of a Process that has steps A
, B
, and C
and that has 2 different endings C
data Process1 (o :: FinCat.Object) where
P1Start :: Process1 'FinCat.A
P1Mid :: Process1 'FinCat.A -> Process1 'FinCat.B
P1End1 :: Process1 'FinCat.B -> Process1 'FinCat.C
P1End2 :: Process1 'FinCat.B -> Process1 'FinCat.C
deriving instance Show (Process1 o)
is a functor from A->B=>C
to Hask
instance CFunctor Process1 FinCat.HomSet (->) where
cmap FinCat.MorphId = \x -> x
cmap FinCat.MorphAB = P1Mid
cmap FinCat.MorphBC1 = P1End1
cmap FinCat.MorphBC2 = P1End2
cmap FinCat.MorphAC1 = P1End1 . P1Mid
cmap FinCat.MorphAC2 = P1End2 . P1Mid
A More complex Functor, lack of cmap
The following type allows for all of these morphisms
Start1 --> Mid1 ---> End2
\ /\ \ /\
\/ \/
/\ /\
/ \/ / \/
Start2 --> Mid2 ---> End2
data Process2 (o :: FinCat.Object) where
P2Start1 :: Process2 'FinCat.A
P2Start2 :: Process2 'FinCat.A
P2Mid1 :: Process2 'FinCat.A -> Process2 'FinCat.B
P2Mid2 :: Process2 'FinCat.A -> Process2 'FinCat.B
P2End1 :: Process2 'FinCat.B -> Process2 'FinCat.C
P2End2 :: Process2 'FinCat.B -> Process2 'FinCat.C
deriving instance Show (Process2 o)
Any functor needs to work on objects by mapping A
into Process2 A
, B
into Process2 B
, and C
into Process2 C
But there is a choice how the morphisms are mapped.
The following instance uses this approach:
Start1 --> Mid1 ---> End2
\ /\
/ \/
Start2 --> Mid2 ---> End2
instance CFunctor Process2 FinCat.HomSet (->) where
cmap = go
step1 :: Process2 'FinCat.A -> Process2 'FinCat.B
step1 P2Start1 = P2Mid1 P2Start1
step1 P2Start2 = P2Mid2 P2Start2
go :: FinCat.HomSet a b -> Process2 a -> Process2 b
go FinCat.MorphId = \x -> x
go FinCat.MorphAB = step1
go FinCat.MorphBC1 = P2End1
go FinCat.MorphBC2 = P2End2
go FinCat.MorphAC1 = P2End1 . P2Mid1
go FinCat.MorphAC2 = P2End2 . P2Mid2
Notice there are other possible functor instance for Process2, one that moves Start1 to Mid2 and Start2 to Mid1 would work as well
Start1 Mid1 ---> End2
\ /\ \ /\
\/ \/
/\ /\
/ \/ / \/
Start2 Mid2 ---> End2
or collapses all into one of the branches
Start1 --> Mid1 ---> End2
/\ \ /\
/ \/
/ /\
/ / \/
Start2 Mid2 ---> End2
So Process2
can be a functor in many different ways!
Tree Example TODO this may need more thinking.
A more involved example of a (candle-like) Tree where leafs are marked with FinCat.A
, single branches with FinCat.B
and double branches with FinCat.A
. Branches can be of any type so, for example, A -> B -> B -> B
is valid.
The image in Hask
is reacher allowing for more flexibility.
data Tree (o :: FinCat.Object) where
Leaf :: Tree 'FinCat.A
Down :: Tree o -> Tree 'FinCat.B
Branch :: Tree o1 -> Tree o2 -> Tree 'FinCat.C
deriving instance Show (Tree o)
instance CFunctor Tree FinCat.HomSet (->) where
cmap = go
right = Branch Leaf
left = \t -> Branch t Leaf
go :: FinCat.HomSet a b -> Tree a -> Tree b
go FinCat.MorphId = \x -> x
go FinCat.MorphAB = Down
go FinCat.MorphBC1 = right
go FinCat.MorphBC2 = left
go FinCat.MorphAC1 = right . Down
go FinCat.MorphAC2 = left . Down
I have played with monad construction on A->B=>C
in N_P3Ch06b_FiniteMonads.