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Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P3Ch12b_EnrichedPreorder.lhs
Notes about Preorder example as an enriched category. See how far I can get implementing it in Haskell. The goal here is to internalize enhanced categories trying to write Haskell. I also think that this approach could go places when dependent types become easier and better supported.
Book Ref: Part 3 Chapter 12, enhanced categories
, DataKinds
, KindSignatures
, TypeOperators
, TypeFamilies
, FlexibleInstances
, PolyKinds
, AllowAmbiguousTypes -- needed in bitmap signature
, UndecidableInstances -- needed in type level If
-- , TypeFamilyDependencies -- attempt to allow associator signature
, InstanceSigs
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, TypeInType
, ScopedTypeVariables
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module CTNotes.P3Ch12b_EnrichedPreorder where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Control.Category
import Prelude (undefined, (+), Bool(True, False))
import Data.Kind (Type)
I need to construct a category V
with two objects representing True and False
of the shape False -> True
(with one not trivial morphism representing 'absurd' statement)
this category needs to be monoidal.
Once this is done I will enhance natural numbers Nat
using V
to obtain
preorder category with natural numbers as objects and the <= relation as morphisms.
I am using symbol V
for enhanced category hom-objects.
is itself a category with composition and morphisms (with HomSet).
are used to make V
a kind.
data V = TrueV | FalseV
data VHomSet (a:: V) (b:: V) where
MorphIdT :: VHomSet 'TrueV 'TrueV
MorphIdF :: VHomSet 'FalseV 'FalseV
Absurd :: VHomSet 'FalseV 'TrueV
vComp :: VHomSet b c -> VHomSet a b -> VHomSet a c
vComp MorphIdT mab = mab
vComp MorphIdF mab = mab
vComp mbc MorphIdF = mbc
Cool, GHC knows that pattern match mbc MorphIdT
is redundant!
Control.Category type class expects a polymorphic id
(id :: cat a a
which hard to implement for finite cats.
instance Category VHomSet where
id = undefined
(.) = vComp
In all fairness, to be a category it should be enough to be able to pick id
morphism for each type.
data VObj (a :: V) where
TrueRep :: VObj 'TrueV
FalseRep :: VObj 'FalseV
vId :: VObj a -> VHomSet a a
vId TrueRep = MorphIdT
vId FalseRep = MorphIdF
ghci> :k VObj
VObj :: V -> *
I find that GHC likes code that uses Type
more than some exotic kind like V
So to make things work, need some representation of elements of kind k
as regular types.
serves as such representation.
class HaskEnrichedCategory (obj:: k -> Type) (homset:: k -> k -> Type) where
heid :: obj a -> homset a a
hecomp :: homset b c -> homset a b -> homset a c
instance HaskEnrichedCategory VObj VHomSet where
heid = vId
hecomp = vComp
needs to be equipped with a tensor product and the i
is the tensor product in V
and i
is 'TrueV
type family (m :: V) :**: (n :: V) :: V where
'TrueV :**: 'TrueV = 'TrueV
m :**: n = 'FalseV
type I_V = 'TrueV
I use Nat
kind as the book's C
category/Set that will be enhanced using V
type family If c t e where
If 'True t e = t
If 'False t e = e
type family Preorder (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) :: V where
Preorder m n = If (m <=? n) 'TrueV 'FalseV
Modifying book notation C(a,b)
slightly, I have:
type family C_V (a :: k) (b :: k) :: V
type instance C_V (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) = Preorder a b
Preorder a b
is what book calls C(a,b)
Quote from the book:
"Let’s have a look at composition. The tensor product of any two objects is 0, unless both of them are 1, in which
case it’s 1. If it’s 0, then we have two options for the composition morphism: it could be either id0 or 0->1.
But if it’s 1, then the only option is id1.
Translating this back to relations, this says that if a <= b and b <= c then a <= c,
which is exactly the transitivity law we need."
This translates to this code!:
eComp0 :: VObj (Preorder b c) ->
VObj (Preorder a b) ->
VObj (Preorder a c) ->
VHomSet ((Preorder b c) :**: (Preorder a b)) (Preorder a c)
eComp0 TrueRep TrueRep TrueRep = MorphIdT
eComp0 TrueRep TrueRep FalseRep = undefined -- this condition should never happen because if f a <= b and b <= c then a <= c
eComp0 _ FalseRep FalseRep = MorphIdF
eComp0 FalseRep _ FalseRep = MorphIdF
eComp0 _ FalseRep TrueRep = Absurd
eComp0 FalseRep _ TrueRep = Absurd
A more interesting approach would be to use evidence of kind Nat -> Type
similar to SNat
data SNat (n :: Nat) where
SZero :: SNat 0
SSucc :: SNat n -> SNat (1 + n)
however, this seems not easy
eComp1 :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat c -> VHomSet ((Preorder b c) :**: (Preorder a b)) (Preorder a c)
eComp1 SZero SZero SZero = MorphIdT -- compiles
-- eComp1 (SSucc _) SZero SZero = MorphIdF -- (eComp1 fails)
eComp1 _ _ _ = undefined
(eComp1 fails) - even this simple pattern match does not compile (TODO - rethink this)
Could not deduce: ('TrueV :**: If (a <=? 0) 'TrueV 'FalseV)
from the context: a ~ (1 + n)
However, it is simpler for me to move forward with the eComp1
approach, and this is what
I will do.
Using NonHaskMonoidal
class from N_P1Ch08c_BiFunctorNonHask is hard
for reasons similar to why it is hard to implement id
in instance Category VHomSet
The trick is to add obj :: k -> Type
evidence to the associator and unitor methods.
class HaskEnrichedCategory obj cat =>
Monoidal (obj :: k -> Type) (cat :: k -> k -> Type) where
type Tensor (a :: k) (b :: k) :: k
type I :: k
bimap :: cat a c -> cat b d -> cat ( Tensor a b) (Tensor c d)
associator :: obj a -> obj b -> obj c -> cat (Tensor (Tensor a b) c) ( Tensor a (Tensor b c))
lunitor :: obj a -> cat (Tensor (I) a) a
runitor :: obj a -> cat (Tensor a I) a
moving forward with this approach I can define typeclass for enhanced categories.
(Note C
matches the book notation of C(a,b)
class (Monoidal vobj vcat) =>
Enhanced (cobj :: kc -> Type) (vobj :: kv -> Type) (vcat :: kv -> kv -> Type) where
type C (a :: kc) (b :: kc) :: kv
ecomp :: cobj a -> cobj b -> cobj c -> vcat (Tensor (C b c) (C a b)) (C a c)
The above construction of preorder category and Nat
enhanced using V
these constraints!
instance Monoidal VObj VHomSet where
type Tensor a b = a :**: b
type I = 'TrueV
bimap :: VHomSet a c -> VHomSet b d -> VHomSet (a :**: b) (c :**: d)
bimap Absurd Absurd = Absurd
bimap MorphIdT Absurd = Absurd
bimap Absurd MorphIdT = Absurd
bimap MorphIdT MorphIdT = MorphIdT
-- bimap _ _ = MorphIdF - (0)
bimap _ MorphIdF = MorphIdF
bimap MorphIdF _ = MorphIdF
associator :: VObj a -> VObj b -> VObj c -> VHomSet ((a :**: b) :**: c) ( a :**: ( b :**: c)) -- (1)
associator TrueRep TrueRep TrueRep = MorphIdT
-- associator _ _ _ = MorphIdF -- (2)
associator _ _ FalseRep = MorphIdF
associator _ FalseRep _ = MorphIdF
associator FalseRep _ _ = MorphIdF
lunitor :: VObj a -> VHomSet ('TrueV :**: a) a
lunitor TrueRep = MorphIdT -- (3)
lunitor FalseRep = MorphIdF
runitor :: VObj a -> VHomSet (a :**: 'TrueV) a
runitor TrueRep = MorphIdT -- (3)
runitor FalseRep = MorphIdF
Some interesting peculiarities and additional reasons why I needed conversion
to regular types vobj :: kv -> Type
(0) - does not work and pattern match needs to be spelled out.
Note about bimap implementation: The only way to get Absurd is to have a :**: b
False and c :**: d
that implies that c
and d
are True and a
or b
are False.
The only way to get MorphIdT is if both (a :**: b)
and (c :**: d)
are True
which means all a
, b
, c
and d
are True.
(1) - without VObj a
evidence the above type signature causes compiler error:
‘:**:’ is a type function, and may not be injective, using TypeFamilyDependencies
pragma does not help.
(2) - similarly to (0) I have to spell out the pattern match more
(3, 4) - ghc does not know how prove that
VHomSet ('TrueV :**: a) a
is the same as VHomSet a a
making it not implementable
without VObj a
Hask obj
Even if I had a polymorphic id
lunitor = id
I would get this compiler error:
Expected type: VHomSet ('TrueV :**: a) a
Actual type: VHomSet a a
Finally, I have:
instance Enhanced SNat VObj VHomSet where
type C a b = Preorder a b
ecomp = eComp1
I think that, with increasing support for dependent typing, enhanced categories could become a practical and sound way of writing code!