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Randal edited this page Sep 19, 2024 · 1 revision

2024-09-18 17:05

Patch: v1.7.8

Happy Humpday!

Today is a quick one. We have fixed a few things and were gonna wait, but we were made aware of a bug with the sage! prefix, so we decided to push the handful of other changes with it.


sage! prefix wasn't being enforced

Somehow we made the sage part of sage! optional by default, allowing ! to trigger Sage commands, even when you wanted sage!. We fixed it and ensured it works with whatever custom prefix you might choose if you don't like sage.

Creating a thread could trigger dialog

For reasons we weren't aware of until now, creating a thread triggered an event that we interpreted as a simple message post. Therefore, it could trigger dialog or autodialog. It should no longer do that.


MAP (Multi Attack Penalty)

When rolling dice, you have the option to roll multiples, like so:

[2#1d20 atk; 1d6 dmg]

For games with MAP (Multi Attack Penalty), you can use:

[2map-5#1d20 greatsword atk; 1d6 dmg]
[2map-4#1d20 dagger atk; 1d6 dmg]

We have now made the -5 optional, such that [2MAP-5#1d20] and [2MAP#1d20] are treated the same way. Additionally, we have added agile as a synonym for map-4!

// MAP -5
[2map-5#1d20 greatsword atk; 1d6 dmg]
[2map#1d20 greatsword atk; 1d6 dmg]
// MAP -4
[2map-4#1d20 greatsword atk; 1d6 dmg]
[2agile#1d20 greatsword atk; 1d6 dmg]

Move Map Token by name

You can move a token multiple spaces on a Sage map by replying to it and specifying the directions to move. It required you to make sure you already selected the token to move, meaning it could take a GM quite awhile to cycle through tokens. You can now include name="" when using the sage! map move command, for example:

sage!map move name="GoblinA" [N N N]
sage!map move name="Wizard" [S S]

Requests / Bugs / Roadmaps

We have channels to track and organize bugs and requests!

Have something to report?

Please drop by our Discord: Public Link to our Discord

Thank You, and Happy Gaming! :spacer:- Randal, aka RPG Sage :Sage:

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