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TikTokLiveMCBE is a simple tool that connects your TikTok Live stream with your Minecraft PE/BE.


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TikTok Live MCBE


TikTokLiveMCBE is a simple tool that connects your TikTok Live stream with your Minecraft.

Setup Tutorial on Termux

Click the image below to watch the full setup tutorial on YouTube!

Watch the video



Before you begin, ensure you have Node.js installed. If you're on a mobile device, you can use Termux to run this WebSocket server.

  1. Download the Latest Release

Download the latest version of TikTokLiveMCBE. Look for the ZIP file in the list of assets.

Show your support by giving it a ⭐!

  1. Uncompress the ZIP File
  • Once the download is complete, uncompress the ZIP file.
  1. Navigate to the Project Directory
cd TikTokLiveMCBE
  1. Install the Dependencies
npm install

or if you prefer Yarn, first install Yarn globally:

npm install --global yarn

Then install the dependencies:

yarn install
  1. Set Up Configuration

Create an .env file in the root directory

PORT=3000 # or any other port you want to use

Note: The TIKTOK_USERNAME should be the username of the TikTok account you want to connect to.

  1. Start the Server

Start the TikTokLiveMCBE server:

npm start

or if you're using Yarn:

yarn start

When you start the TikTokLiveMCBE server, it will attempt to connect to the TikTok live stream associated with the username specified in the .env file.

  1. Connect Minecraft to Server

In your Minecraft, connect to the server by typing the following command:

/connect localhost:3000

Replace localhost with your server’s IP address if you are not running it locally.


Subscribe to Minecraft Events

In your application file (e.g. app.ts), you can subscribe to Minecraft events like this:

import { connection } from "./core/MinecraftTikTokBridge.js";

const { tiktok, minecraft } = connection;

// Subscribe to Minecraft Events
    // ... other events

// Handle Events

minecraft.on("PlayerMessage", (data) => {

    console.log(`PlayerMessage Event: ${data}`);


minecraft.on("BlockBroken", (data) => {

    console.log(`BlockBroken Event: ${data}`);


minecraft.on("BlockPlaced", (data) => {

    console.log(`BlockPlaced Event: ${data}`);


// ...

Whenever a player sends a message, breaks a block, or places a block, these events will be triggered, and the corresponding code will be executed, such as logging the event data to the console.

For example, when a PlayerMessage event is triggered, the event data is logged as follows:

console.log(`PlayerMessage Event: ${data}`);

This will output the following in the console:

PlayerMessage Event: {"body":{"message":"hello","receiver":"","sender":"Steve","type":"chat"},"header":{"eventName":"PlayerMessage","messagePurpose":"event","version":17039360}}

Similarly, for the BlockBroken event:

console.log(`BlockBroken Event: ${data}`);

The console output will look like this:

BlockBroken Event: {"body":{"block":{"aux":0,"id":"grass_block","namespace":"minecraft"},"count":1,"destructionMethod":0,"player":{"color":"ffededed","dimension":0,"id":-4294967295,"name":"Steve","position":{"x":2.987498283386230,"y":-56.45503997802734,"z":14.11897277832031},"type":"minecraft:player","variant":0,"yRot":-95.82889556884766},"tool":{"aux":0,"enchantments":[],"freeStackSize":0,"id":"iron_pickaxe","maxStackSize":1,"namespace":"minecraft","stackSize":1},"variant":0},"header":{"eventName":"BlockBroken","messagePurpose":"event","version":17039360}}

And for the BlockPlaced event:

console.log(`BlockPlaced Event: ${data}`);

This will output:

BlockPlaced Event: {"body":{"block":{"aux":0,"id":"diamond_block","namespace":"minecraft"},"count":1,"placedUnderWater":false,"placementMethod":0,"player":{"color":"ffededed","dimension":0,"id":-4294967295,"name":"Steve","position":{"x":11.93433761596680,"y":-56.45503997802734,"z":13.82549858093262},"type":"minecraft:player","variant":0,"yRot":-95.34191131591797},"tool":{"aux":0,"enchantments":[],"freeStackSize":0,"id":"diamond_block","maxStackSize":64,"namespace":"minecraft","stackSize":64}},"header":{"eventName":"BlockPlaced","messagePurpose":"event","version":17039360}}

Sending Minecraft Commands

minecraft.sendCommand('say hello, world!');

Handling TikTok Events

You can also handle TikTok events, such as receiving gifts, likes, chats and follows, as shown below:

import { connection } from "./core/MinecraftTikTokBridge.js";

const { tiktok, minecraft } = connection;

// ... => {
    // If this is a streakable gift and the streak is NOT ending, handle it temporarily
    if (data.giftType === 1 && !data.repeatEnd) {
        minecraft.sendCommand(`say ${data.uniqueId} is sending gift ${data.giftName} x${data.repeatCount} (streak in progress)`);

    // Otherwise, process the gift (final count, send Minecraft message, etc.)
    const { giftName, uniqueId, nickname } = data;
    minecraft.sendCommand(`tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§a§l${nickname} §7has sent §a§l${giftName} x${data.repeatCount}"}]}`);
}); => {
    const { uniqueId, nickname, comment } = data;
    minecraft.sendCommand(`tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§a§l${nickname} §7says: §a§l${comment}"}]}`);
}); => {
    const { uniqueId, nickname, likeCount } = data;
    minecraft.sendCommand(`tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§a§l${nickname} §7liked the stream §a§l${likeCount} times!"}]}`);
}); => {
    const { uniqueId, nickname } = data;
    minecraft.sendCommand(`tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§a§l${nickname} §7has followed the stream!"}]}`);
}); => {
    const { uniqueId, nickname } = data;
    minecraft.sendCommand(`tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§a§l${nickname} §7has shared the stream!"}]}`);

// ...

Using TNT Coin Add-On

In your application file (e.g., app.ts), you can enable the TNTCoin extension as follows:

import { connection } from "./src/core/MinecraftTikTokBridge.js";

// import the TNT Coin
import { useTNTCoin } from "./src/extensions/tntcoin.js";

// Enable the TNTCoin extension


The TNTCoin extension listens for various TikTok events, such as join, like, chat, and gift events, and sends corresponding script events to Minecraft. These script events include messages containing relevant information, such as the nickname and unique ID of the user who triggered the event.

For example, when someone joins the stream, the extension sends a tntcoin:join script event to Minecraft, containing the nickname and unique ID of the user who joined: => {
    // convert our JSON message to string
    const message = JSON.stringify({
        uniqueId: data.uniqueId,
        nickname: data.nickname,

    // send `/scripevent` command to minecraft
    minecraft.sendScriptEvent('tntcoin:join', message);

This simply just sends a minecraft command:

/scriptevent tntcoin:join {"uniqueId":"steve123","nickname":"steve"}

You can also run this manually in-game if you want to test a function that runs when script event like tntcoin:join sent without connecting to server:

img1 img2

When the TNTCoin add-on receives the tntcoin:join event with the associated message, it triggers a function to execute specific actions:

// Path to the onJoin event handler: /src/game/events/onJoin.ts

export function onJoin(game: TNTCoin, message: string): void {
    // Parse the JSON message to string
    const data = JSON.parse(message);
    const { nickname, uniqueId } = data;

    // Send a welcome message to the player in Minecraft
    game.player.sendMessage(`§aWelcome, §e${nickname} (@${uniqueId})§a!`);



Feel free to contribute by submitting issues or pull requests. Any improvements or new features are welcome!


TikTokLiveMCBE is a simple tool that connects your TikTok Live stream with your Minecraft PE/BE.





