This is a basic Java client library for rqlite. rqlite is a lightweight, distributed relational database, which uses SQLite as its storage engine. Significant development and testing remains, and pull requests are welcome.
// Declare variables.
ExecuteResults results = null;
QueryResults rows = null;
// Get a connection to a rqlite node.
Rqlite rqlite = RqliteFactory.connect("http", "localhost", 4001);
// Create a table.
results = rqlite.Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (id integer not null primary key, name text)");
// Insert a record.
results = rqlite.Execute("INSERT INTO foo(name) VALUES(\"fiona\")");
// Query all records in the table.
rows = rqlite.Query("SELECT * FROM foo", Rqlite.ReadConsistencyLevel.WEAK);