This repository contains python/tensorflow code to reproduce the experiments presented in our paper Nonlinear Residual Echo Suppression Using a Recurrent Neural Network.
The data loader uses the 'soundfile' package to read/write wavs:
pip install soundfile
Prior to training, you need to set up your data base containing echo recordings.
In particular, you need a recording from the microphone signal (d), and a recording of the echo model (y) from the AEC.
These recordings must not contain double-talk.
Also, you need to reference a database to generate double-talk (i.e. WSJ0) in ./loaders/
For further details, see our paper.
To train the NRES model, use:
cd experiments
python3 train
To test the NRES model, use:
cd experiments
python3 test
This will write predictions to: ./predictions/
Microphone input with double-talk (d)
AEC residual (e) with non-linear recho and double-talk
Near-end signal/groundtruth (s)
Please cite our work as
author={Lukas Pfeifenberger and Franz Pernkopf},
title={{Nonlinear Residual Echo Suppression Using a Recurrent Neural Network}},
booktitle={Proc. Interspeech 2020},