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Andrew Koryavchenko edited this page Jun 17, 2018 · 12 revisions

Code Class

Assertions class.

Assertions class.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CodeJam
Assembly: CodeJam (in CodeJam.dll) Version:



public static class Code


Public NotInheritable Class Code


type Code =  class end

The Code type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public methodStatic member AssertArgument(Boolean, String, String) Assertion for the argument value
Public methodStatic member AssertArgument(Boolean, String, String, Object[]) Assertion for the argument value
Public methodStatic member AssertState(Boolean, String) State assertion
Public methodStatic member AssertState(Boolean, String, Object[]) State assertion
Public methodStatic member BugIf(Boolean, String) Asserts if the given condition is satisfied.
Public methodStatic member BugIf(Boolean, String, Object[]) Asserts if the given condition is satisfied.
Public methodStatic member DisposedIf(TDisposable)(Boolean, TDisposable) Assertion for object disposal
Public methodStatic member DisposedIf(TDisposable)(Boolean, TDisposable, String) Assertion for object disposal
Public methodStatic member DisposedIf(TDisposable)(Boolean, TDisposable, String, Object[]) Assertion for object disposal
Public methodStatic member DisposedIfNull(TResource, TDisposable)(TResource, TDisposable) Assertion for object disposal
Public methodStatic member DisposedIfNull(TResource, TDisposable)(TResource, TDisposable, String) Assertion for object disposal
Public methodStatic member DisposedIfNull(TResource, TDisposable)(TResource, TDisposable, String, Object[]) Assertion for object disposal
Public methodStatic member InRange(Double, String, Double, Double) Assertion for the argument in range
Public methodStatic member InRange(Int32, String, Int32, Int32) Assertion for the argument in range
Public methodStatic member InRange(T)(T, String, T, T) Assertion for the argument in range
Public methodStatic member ItemNotNull(T) Ensures that all items in arg != null
Public methodStatic member NotNull(T)(Nullable(T), String) Ensures that arg != null
Public methodStatic member NotNull(T)(T, String) Ensures that arg != null
Public methodStatic member NotNullAndItemNotNull(T) Ensures that arg and its all items != null
Public methodStatic member NotNullNorEmpty Ensures that arg is not null nor empty
Public methodStatic member NotNullNorWhiteSpace Ensures that arg is not null nor white space
Public methodStatic member ValidCount(Int32, String) Asserts if the passed value is not a valid count.
Public methodStatic member ValidCount(Int32, String, Int32) Asserts if the passed value is not a valid count.
Public methodStatic member ValidIndex(Int32, String) Assertion for index in range
Public methodStatic member ValidIndex(Int32, String, Int32) Assertion for index in range
Public methodStatic member ValidIndexAndCount Assertion for startIndex-count pair
Public methodStatic member ValidIndexPair Assertion for from-to index pair
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CodeJam Namespace

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