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Andrew Koryavchenko edited this page Jul 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

DebugEnumCode Class

Enum assertions class.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CodeJam
Assembly: CodeJam (in CodeJam.dll) Version: (



public static class DebugEnumCode


Public NotInheritable Class DebugEnumCode


type DebugEnumCode =  class end

The DebugEnumCode type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public methodStatic member AnyFlagSet(TEnum) Asserts that any bit from specified argument flag is set.
Public methodStatic member AnyFlagUnset(TEnum) Asserts that any bit from specified argument flag is not set.
Public methodStatic member AnyStateFlagSet(TEnum)(TEnum, TEnum, String) Asserts that any bit from specified state flag is set.
Public methodStatic member AnyStateFlagSet(TEnum)(TEnum, TEnum, String, Object[]) Asserts that any bit from specified state flag is set.
Public methodStatic member AnyStateFlagUnset(TEnum)(TEnum, TEnum, String) Asserts that any bit from specified state flag is not set.
Public methodStatic member AnyStateFlagUnset(TEnum)(TEnum, TEnum, String, Object[]) Asserts that any bit from specified state flag is not set.
Public methodStatic member Defined(TEnum) Asserts that specified argument enum value is defined.
Public methodStatic member FlagsDefined(TEnum) Asserts that all bits of the flags combination are defined.
Public methodStatic member FlagSet(TEnum) Asserts that the specified argument flag is set.
Public methodStatic member FlagUnset(TEnum) Asserts that the specified argument flag is not set.
Public methodStatic member StateFlagSet(TEnum)(TEnum, TEnum, String) Asserts that the specified state flag is set.
Public methodStatic member StateFlagSet(TEnum)(TEnum, TEnum, String, Object[]) Asserts that the specified state flag is set.
Public methodStatic member StateFlagUnset(TEnum)(TEnum, TEnum, String) Asserts that the specified state flag is not set.
Public methodStatic member StateFlagUnset(TEnum)(TEnum, TEnum, String, Object[]) Asserts that the specified state flag is not set.
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See Also


CodeJam Namespace

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