Whether new to the project or just wanting to quickly get an environment up and running to e.g. verify binary hashes or run tests, here is a checklist that will get you sorted in no time:
- Make sure you have Docker installed.
- If running MacOS, make sure you have also got coreutils installed (link using homebrew).
- Build all required docker images:
~/repo> docker/mware/build # Middleware image
~/repo> docker/ledger/build # Ledger image
~/repo> docker/sgx/build # SGX image
~/repo> docker/packer/build # Middleware binary packer image
Unless otherwise stated, only x86 platforms are supported for building this project and running the tools provided. The only exception is the TCPSigner bundle, which can be built and ran in x86 and arm64 platforms.
- Run tests:
~/repo> middleware/test-all # Middleware unit tests
~/repo> firmware/test/test-all # Firmware tests
~/repo> firmware/src/ledger/ui/test/run-all.sh # Ledger UI application unit tests
~/repo> firmware/src/ledger/signer/test/run-all.sh # Ledger Signer application unit tests
~/repo> firmware/src/common/test/run-all.sh # Common code unit tests
~/repo> firmware/src/powhsm/test/run-all.sh # powHSM logic unit tests
~/repo> firmware/src/hal/common/test/run-all.sh # HAL common code unit tests
~/repo> firmware/src/hal/x86/test/run-all.sh # HAL x86 implementation unit tests
- Build Ledger Nano S application binaries:
~/repo> firmware/build/build-ledger-signer <checkpoint> <difficulty> <network> # Build signer
~/repo> firmware/build/build-ledger-ui <signer_hash> <signer_iteration> <signers_file> # Build UI
- Build SGX binaries (both host and enclave):
~/repo> firmware/build/build-sgx <checkpoint> <difficulty> <network>
- Build middleware binaries:
~/repo> middleware/build/all
- Build a complete Ledger powHSM distribution:
~/repo> ./build-dist-ledger <destination path> <checkpoint> <minimum difficulty> <network> <ui_iteration> <ui_authorizers>
- Build a complete SGX powHSM distribution:
~/repo> ./build-dist-sgx <destination path> <checkpoint> <minimum difficulty> <network>
- Build the TCPSigner:
~/repo> firmware/build/build-tcpsigner
- Build the SGX simulator:
~/repo> firmware/build/build-sgx-sim <checkpoint> <minimum difficulty> <network>