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File metadata and controls

92 lines (78 loc) · 3.03 KB

This is a fork without parsing of TRANSACTIONID bug

This bug was registered in original repository -> A2K#1 and it is related to parsing of argument (TRANSACTIONID) as float in following lines:

if not isNaN(value)
value = parseFloat(value)

In case of TRANSACTIONID like 94E73621017932142 isNan results in false and parseFloat in NaN.

PayPal Classic API bindings for Node.js

This is a wrapper for PayPal "Classic" NVP API:


npm install paypal-classic-api-2 --save


class PayPal(options)

options object mandatory fields: username, password and signature from PayPal developer account. is an optional field which enables "live" mode. Default value is false, so the module will operate in sandbox mode if this field is not explicitly set to true.

method call(methodName, methodArguments, callback)

Methods names and arguments information can be found at under "Express Checkout API Operation"


PayPal = require('paypal-classic-api-2');

var credentials = { username: '',
                    password: '1244612379',
                    signature: 'lkfg9groingghb4uw5',
                    live: false }; // false for sandbox mode, true for live mode

var paypal = new PayPal(credentials);'TransactionSearch',
            { StartDate: '2012-06-11T10:50:44.681Z' },
            function (error, transactions) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('API call error: ' + error);
  } else {

Example output

{ TIMESTAMP: Mon Mar 09 2015 16:56:22 GMT-0700 (PDT),
  CORRELATIONID: '584ced41b8ab3',
  ACK: 'Success',
  VERSION: 94,
  BUILD: 15220584,
  objects: [ { TIMESTAMP: Thu Feb 26 2015 20:00:01 GMT-0800 (PST),
               TIMEZONE: 'GMT',
               TYPE: 'Payment',
               EMAIL: '',
               NAME: 'Developer',
               TRANSACTIONID: '0J1L38973J4267114',
               STATUS: 'Completed',
               AMT: 100,
               CURRENCYCODE: 'JPY',
               FEEAMT: -44,
               NETAMT: 56 },
             { TIMESTAMP: Thu Feb 26 2015 19:53:21 GMT-0800 (PST),
               TIMEZONE: 'GMT',
               TYPE: 'Payment',
               EMAIL: '',
               NAME: 'Developer',
               TRANSACTIONID: '07Y30605XS335043T',
               STATUS: 'Completed',
               AMT: -12,
               CURRENCYCODE: 'USD',
               FEEAMT: -0.06,
               NETAMT: -12.06 },
             { TIMESTAMP: Thu Feb 26 2015 19:41:24 GMT-0800 (PST),
               TIMEZONE: 'GMT',
               TYPE: 'Transfer',
               NAME: 'PayPal',
               TRANSACTIONID: '6L2489117V5191606',
               STATUS: 'Completed',
               AMT: 500,
               CURRENCYCODE: 'USD',
               FEEAMT: 0,
               NETAMT: 500 } ]