A tool to generate blackbox exporter configurations from Go code. (No hand written YAML!)
I was converting some configs from a very old Nagios, setup, and hand generating the blackbox_exporter and prometheus configs was fragile and produced hard to read configs. So.... I wrote a tool. Go provided free syntax checking, formatting, and the joy of knowing that if it compiles, it'll probably run.
See the example for what a config looks like.
The Makefile is also useful.
Here's how you might want to use it to generate the files to integrate with an existing Prometheus server.
go run ./cmd/example \
--scrape_interval=5m --blackbox=blackbox:9115 \
--blackboxfile="blackbox-generated.yaml" \
--targetsfile="scrape-config-generated.yaml" \
--onlysc \
Use this tool to generate part of your file. Have some static bits, and then merge the output with yq.
Here's what a Makefile to do that might look like:
scrape-config.yaml: scrape-config-base.yaml scrape-config-generated.yaml
$(YQ) merge -a scrape-config-base.yaml scrape-config-generated.yaml > scrape-config.yaml
blackbox.yaml: blackbox-base.yaml blackbox-generated.yaml
$(YQ) merge -a blackbox-base.yaml blackbox-generated.yaml > blackbox.yaml