This folder contains system outputs gathered from the authors of each paper. The sytem outputs on APA-LHA and DEplain-APA are available upon request. Please first ask for the permission to use the original data, then send a request to to get access to the system outputs. In alphabetical order:
DEplain_trimmed_mbart_sents_apa: Regina Stodden, Omar Momen, and Laura Kallmeyer. 2023. DEplain: A German Parallel Corpus with Intralingual Translations into Plain Language for Sentence and Document Simplification. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 16441–16463, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics. [Checkpoint] The results are reproduced using the available checkpoint.
DEplain_trimmed_mbart_sents_apa_web: Regina Stodden, Omar Momen, and Laura Kallmeyer. 2023. DEplain: A German Parallel Corpus with Intralingual Translations into Plain Language for Sentence and Document Simplification. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 16441–16463, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics. [Checkpoint] The results are reproduced using the available checkpoint.
trimmed_mbart_35k_DEplain-APA-web.txt: Regina Stodden, Omar Momen, and Laura Kallmeyer. 2023. DEplain: A German Parallel Corpus with Intralingual Translations into Plain Language for Sentence and Document Simplification. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 16441–16463, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics. [System Outputs] The system outputs are copied from the original repository.
trimmed_mbart_35k_DEplain-APA.txt: Regina Stodden, Omar Momen, and Laura Kallmeyer. 2023. DEplain: A German Parallel Corpus with Intralingual Translations into Plain Language for Sentence and Document Simplification. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 16441–16463, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics. [System Outputs] The system outputs are copied from the original repository.
hda_LS: Melanie Siegel, Dorothee Beermann, and Lars Hellan. 2019. Aspects of linguistic complexity: A german-norwegian approach to the creation of resources for easy-to-understand language. In 11th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience QoMEX 2019, Berlin, Germany, June 5-7, 2019, pages 1–3. IEEE. [Original Code][Updated Code]
josh-oo_custom-decoder-ats: Miriam Anschütz, Joshua Oehms, Thomas Wimmer, Bartłomiej Jezierski, and Georg Groh. 2023. Language Models for German Text Simplification: Overcoming Parallel Data Scarcity through Style-specific Pre-training. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, pages 1147–1158, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics. [Checkpoint]
Sockeye-APA: Regina Stodden. 2024 (to appear). Reproduction & Benchmarking of German Text Simplification Systems. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Evaluating Text Difficulty in a Multilingual Context (DeTermIt!)., Turino, Italy. [Code]
Sockeye-APA-LHA: Nicolas Spring, Annette Rios, and Sarah Ebling. 2021. Exploring German Multi-Level Text Simplification. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021), pages 1339–1349, Held Online. INCOMA Ltd.. [Original Code]
mT5-DEplain-APA: Regina Stodden. 2024 (to appear). Reproduction & Benchmarking of German Text Simplification Systems. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Evaluating Text Difficulty in a Multilingual Context (DeTermIt!)., Turino, Italy. [Original Code] [Checkpoint]
mT5-SGC: Regina Stodden. 2024 (to appear). Reproduction & Benchmarking of German Text Simplification Systems. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Evaluating Text Difficulty in a Multilingual Context (DeTermIt!)., Turino, Italy. Original Code [Checkpoint]
mt5-MultiSim: Michael Ryan, Tarek Naous, and Wei Xu. 2023. Revisiting non-English Text Simplification: A Unified Multilingual Benchmark. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 4898–4927, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics. [Code][Checkpoint]