libnice for iOS and Android.
I check out libnice from date - 25th JAN 2017.
- It's include Precompiled iOS and Andorid nice libs.
- You can also compile with xcode and command line terminal.
- There are 2 target in xcode project 1st for iOS and 2ed for Android.
- Open xcode project select nice target and just compile it.
- You will get output in Final-Build
First way
- open xcode project and select Android-nice target.
- You also need to give NDK path in script.
- Android-nice -> build phases -> run script -> [EDIT NDK Path]
- And just compile it.
Second way
- open terminal -> goto nice-iOS-Android-Build/Android/jni
- and do ndk_build.
if you want to extract latest include files.
- goto -> nice-iOS-Android-Build
- run "rsync --include '*.h' --filter 'hide,! */' -avm src/ Final-Build/include"
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