This application aims to make the process of converting between timezones less confusing through visualization. The user can pick two points on the map and click "calculate" to display the current times in each location. Then, if needed, the user can edit either calculated timestamp to instantly calculate different times.
Please keep in mind, this application can only display and convert times given in the 24 hour format (for now). (ex: if you want to type in 5:34 PM, you will need to type in 17:34)
This project is available on github pages! The setup below only applies if you would like to use this project locally.
- Node.js
- npm
- A valid Google Maps API key
- A valid GeoNames API username
This project uses the Google Maps and GeoNames APIs, and as such, you are required to have information for both to function as intended.
Refer to this link for setting up your Google Maps API Key.
- Go to the GeoNames website and create a free account
- After registering, go to the account management page and locate where the page says "Free Web Services"
- Click the link to activate web services for your account
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd timezone-convert-map
Install any dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env file in the root to add your Google Maps API key and GeoNames username
REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=your_google_maps_api_key REACT_APP_GEONAMES_USERNAME=your_geonames_username
Start the development server
npm start
- Google Maps API (For interacting and displaying the map)
- GeoNames API (For reverse geolocation and timezone information)
- moment-timezone (For timezone conversions)
- Material UI (For the user interface)