#1. Setting
For running tests using Chrome browser v75, so in case of some changing chromebrowser also needs to be updated Driver/chromedriver (Ubuntu driver for Chrome v 75) Other versions can be found by http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads Tests running using strict screen resolution
#2. Installing of important packages
For PyCharm: Go to File -> Settings -> Project: name_of_project -> Project Interpreter -> click on + button -> install allure-pytest, selenium
#3. Installing of Allure
The package can to be manually installed too Download the .deb package from here:
You can use Gdebi to install it by double clicking it, or using dpkg as follows
sudo dpkg -i allure_2.4.1~xenial_all.deb
Once you are done with dpkg, you should execute
sudo apt-get install -f
#4. Running the tests and generating report
To enable Allure listener to collect results during the test execution simply add --alluredir option and provide path to the folder where results should be stored. Write in the Terminal from the root directory the following command:
pytest --alluredir allure-results/
If you want to clean allure-results directory before running tests just write --clean-alluredir command in the end of the previous command. So it should look like this:
pytest --alluredir allure-results/ --clean-alluredir
Where allure-results is a directory where *.json results will be generated.
To see the actual report after your tests have finished, you need to use Allure commandline utility to generate report from the results. Write in the Terminal from the root directory the following command:
allure generate -c --report-dir AllureReport/
This command will generate report and now you can open index.html file to see the report.
Notes: some browsers like Chrome can block access for json files so use other browser like Firefox to see the execution results.
This is already enough to see the Allure report in one command:
allure serve allure-results
Which generates a report in temporary folder from the data found in the provided path and then creates a local Jetty server instance, serves generated report and opens it in the default browser.