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Ruby Association Certified Ruby Examination Silver Sample Questions


Q1. Which of the following have true values in Ruby? (Choose two.)

  • (a) ""
  • (b) 0
  • (c) false
  • (d) nil

Q2. Which of the following are reserved words in Ruby? (Choose two.)

  • (a) each
  • (b) rand
  • (c) class
  • (d) send
  • (e) true

Q3. Which variable name is valid in Ruby? (Choose one.)

  • (a) 3y
  • (b) false
  • (c) _9class
  • (e) xyz$

Q4. Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order to generate the output below? (Choose two.)

$code = "CODE"

i like writing CODE
  • (a) puts "i like writing #{$code}"
  • (b) puts "i like writing #$code"
  • (c) puts 'i like writing #{$code}'
  • (d) puts 'i like writing #$code'

Q5. Given the following:

num = 025
puts num

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)

  • (a) nil
  • (b) 025
  • (c) 21
  • (d) 25

Q6. Given the following:

x = "Hello"
y = x.empty? ? 1 : 2
p y

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)

  • (a) 1
  • (b) 2
  • (c) "Hello"
  • (d) true

Q7. Given the following:

amount = 120

size = case amount
  when 1..120; "S"
  when 120..170; "M"
  when 170..200; "L"
  else "XL"

p size
  • (a) "S"
  • (b) "M"
  • (c) "L"
  • (d) "XL"

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)

Q8. Given the following:

item = "apple"

["banana", "carrot", "daikon"].each do |item|
  puts item

puts item

Which is the correct result? (Choose one.)

(a) A syntax error occurs

(b) An exception is raised





Q9. Given the following:

x = 0

4.times do |i|
  x += i

p x

Which is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) 0
  • (b) 4
  • (c) 6
  • (d) A syntax error occurs

Q10. Which of the following are correct to specify Windows-1252 as the encoding of the source code? (Choose all that apply.)

  • (a) # charset: Windows-1252
  • (b) # chars: Windows-1252
  • (c) # coding: Windows-1252
  • (d) # encoding: Windows-1252

Q11. Given the following:

# coding: Windows-1252

puts "hello"

Which is the correct result? (Choose one)

  • (a) ASCII-8BIT
  • (b) UTF-8
  • (c) Windows-1252
  • (d) A syntax error occurs.

Q12. Given the following:

puts "hello"

Which is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) ASCII-8BIT
  • (b) UTF-8
  • (c) Windows-1252
  • (d) A syntax error occurs.

Q13. Given the following:

s = "pear"

if s.empty?
  puts "blank"
elsif s.length < 5
  puts "short"
  puts "long"

Which is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) blank
  • (b) short
  • (c) long
  • (d) an exception is raised

Q14: Given the following:

s = "daikon"

if s.empty?
  puts "blank"
elsif s.length < 5
  puts "short"
  puts "long"

Which is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) blank
  • (b) short
  • (c) long
  • (d) An exception is raised.

Q15: Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose one.)

n = 42
if n < 0
  puts "a"
__(1)__ n > 0
  puts "b"
  puts "c"

  • (a) elseif
  • (b) else if
  • (c) elif
  • (d) elsif

Q16. Which of the following regular expressions only match the string "Ruby" or "ruby"? (Choose two.)

  • (a) /\A[Rr]uby\z/
  • (b) /\ARuby|ruby\z/
  • (c) /\A[Rr][u][b][y]\z/
  • (d) /\AR|ruby\z/

Q17. Which of the following regular expressions has a match only when a string has at least one character, and consists of lowercase letters only? (Choose one.)

  • (a) /\A[a-z]*\z/
  • (b) /\A[a-z][a-z]*\z/
  • (c) /\A[a-z][^a-z]*\z/
  • (d) /\A[a-z][a-z].\z/

Q18.Given the following:

MSG = 42
MSG += 5

What is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) 47 is displayed without warning.
  • (b) An error occurs because MSG is a constant.
  • (c) 42 is displayed because MSG is a constant.
  • (d) A warning appears beacuse MSG is a constant but 47 is displayed.

Q19. Given the following:

MSG = "hello"

What is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) An error occurs because MSG is a constant.
  • (b) HELLO is displayed without warning.
  • (c) A warning apears because MSG is a constant but "HELLO" is displayed
  • (d) hello is displayed since MSG is a constant.

Q20. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose two.):

  • (a) Local variables start with a lower case letter, and are two or more characters in length.
  • (b) Global variables start with $.
  • (c) Instance variables start with *.
  • (d) Class variables start with $.
  • (e) Constants start with an upper case letter.

Q21. Given the following:

x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
y = x
x.reject! { |e| e.even? }
p x
p y

Which is the correct output? (Choose one)









Q22. Given the following:

a = [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ]
p a
  • (a) [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
  • (b) [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
  • (c) [4, 6, 8, 12]
  • (d) [4, 6, 8]

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)

Q23. Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose one.)

x = true
x __(1)__ exit(1)

  • (a) |
  • (b) ||
  • (c) &
  • (d) &&

Q24. Given the following:

m = true
m or n = true
p n

Which is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) true
  • (b) false
  • (c) nil
  • (d) A syntax error occurs.

Q25. Which of the following can be inserted into (1) in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose two.)

x = [ 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 ]
p __(1)__

[7, 5, 3]
  • (a) x[1, 3]
  • (b) x[1..-1]
  • (c) x[-3..-1]
  • (d) x[-4..-2]

Q26. Which of the following can be inserted into (1) in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose one.)

ary = [ "apple", "banana", "carrot" ]
p ary.__(1)__(",")

  • (a) concat
  • (b) map
  • (c) select
  • (d) join

Q27. Given the following:

puts "42A7".to_i

What is the correct result? (Choose one)

  • (a) 42
  • (b) 42A7
  • (c) 17063
  • (d) An error occurs at run-time.

Q28. Which of the following methods will NOT show you if the element 'c' exists in the hash key or not? (Choose one.)

h = {"a"=>2, "b"=>4, "c"=>6, "d"=>8, "e"=>10}
  • (a) p h.has_key?('c')
  • (b) p h.contain?('c')
  • (c) p h.include?('c')
  • (d) p h.key?('c')
  • (e) p h.member?('c')

Q29. "Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose two.)

a = [120, 40, 20, 80, 160, 60, 180]
p a

  • (a) reject! {|i| i < 80}
  • (b) slice {|i| i < 80 }
  • (c) slice! {|i| i < 80}
  • (d) delete_if! {|i| i < 80}
  • (e) delete_if {|i| i < 80}
  • (f) reject {|i| i < 80}

Q30. Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose one.)

p ["apple", "banana"] __(1)__ ["banana", "carrot"]

["apple", "banana", "carrot"]
  • (a) .concat
  • (b) &
  • (c) |
  • (d) ||

Q31. Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose one.)

p ["apple", "banana"] __(1)__ ["banana", "carrot"]

  • (a) |
  • (b) ||
  • (c) &&
  • (d) &
  • (e) .concat

Q32. Given the following:

class SomeError < StandardError; end
class SomeOtherError < SomeError; end

def meth1

rescue SomeError
  print "SomeError"
rescue SomeOtherError
  print "SomeOtherError"

What is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) A syntax error
  • (b) SomeError
  • (c) SomeErrorSomeOtherError
  • (d) SomeOtherError

Q33. Given the following:

  ans = 100/0
  puts ans
rescue ZeroDivisionError
  puts "Error: ZeroDivisionError"
  exit 1
  puts "DONE!"

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)




Error: ZeroDivisionError	


Error: ZeroDivisionError


Error: ZeroDivisionError

Q34. Which of the following statements appropriately applies to class in Ruby? (Choose one.)

For a class which does not explicitly specify a superclass:

  • (a) an UndefinedParentClassError exception is raised
  • (b) a syntax error occurs
  • (c) the Module class becomes the superclass.
  • (d) the class is created without a superclass.
  • (e) the Object class becomes the superclass.

Q35. Given the following:

class Object
  def moo
    puts "MOO!"


What is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) No output.
  • (b) An error occurs at run-time.
  • (c) "MOO!"
  • (d) nil

Q36. Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose one.)

class Shouter
  def __(1)__(message)
    @message = message

  def greet
    puts @message.upcase

g ="Hello, world!")

  • (a) Shouter
  • (b) new
  • (c) initialize
  • (d) __init__

Q37. Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose one.)

class Shouter
  def initialize(message)
    @message = message

  def greet
    puts @message.upcase

g = __(1)__("Hello, world!")

  • (a) Shouter
  • (b) #Shouter
  • (c) new Shouter
  • (d)

Q38. Given the following:

class Foo
  attr_reader :var
  def initialize
    @var = "apple"

class Bar < Foo
  def initialize
    @var = "banana"

bar =
puts bar.var

What is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) apple
  • (b) banana
  • (c) No output.
  • (d) An error occurs at run-time.

Q39. Given the following:

ary = [4,2,8,4,2,8,4,2,8]
p ary

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)

  • (a) [4, 2, 8, 4, 2, 8, 4, 2]
  • (b) [4, 2, 8, 4, 2, 8, 4, 2, 8]
  • (c) [4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2]
  • (d) [8]

Q40. Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose one.)

r = "a".."e"
p r.__(1)__

["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)

  • (a) array
  • (b) to_ary
  • (c) to_a
  • (d) to_array

Q41. Given the following:

p [0,1,2,3,4,5].find {|x| x < 3}

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)

  • (a) [0, 1, 2]
  • (b) 0
  • (c) [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • (d) true

Q42. Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to generate the output below? (Choose two.)

p [1,16,8,4,2].__(1)__

[16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
  • (a) sort_by { |x| -x }
  • (b) sort_reverse
  • (c) sort.reverse
  • (d) reverse.sort

Q43. Which of the following can be inserted into (1) in order for the given code to sort an array in descending order? (Choose one.)

ary = [2,4,8,1,16]
p ary.__(1)__

[16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
  • (a) sort { |i,j| -i <= -j }
  • (b) sort { |i,j| -i <=> -j }
  • (c) sort { |i,j| i >= j }
  • (d) sort{ |i,j| i <=> j }

Q44. Given the following:

file ="test")
print file.gets

[Contents of file test]

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)

  • (a) hello
  • (b) rubyworld
  • (c) hellor
  • (d) rubyw
  • (e) orubyworld

Q45. The code below was used to open a file omitting the second argument of the open method. In this case, which of the following is implicitly specified? (Choose one.)

file = open("sample.txt")
  • (a) r
  • (b) r+
  • (c) a
  • (d) a+
  • (e) w
  • (f) w+

Q46: Which of the following can be inserted into __(1)__ in order for the given code to copy the content of file "test_one.txt" to file "test_two.txt"?

In the case that the “test_two.txt” file already exist, this code should set first the file size to zero and then overwrites its content from the beginning. (Choose two.)

open("test_one.txt") {|source|
  open("test_two.txt", "__(1)__") {|dest|
  • (a) r+
  • (b) a
  • (c) a+
  • (d) w
  • (e) w+

Q47: Which class methods do NOT belong to Dir class? (Choose two.)

  • (a) Dir.pwd
  • (b) Dir.rename
  • (c) Dir.basename
  • (d) Dir.chdir
  • (e) Dir.delete

Q48. Given the following:

p "hello ruby world"[6,4]

What is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) "hello "
  • (b) "ruby"
  • (c) " world"
  • (d) An error occurs at run-time.


Given the following:

str = "bat"
str[1,1] = "o"
p str

Which is the correct output? (Choose one.)
  • (a) "boo"
  • (b) "bot"
  • (c) "oat"
  • (d) "o"

Q50. Given the following:

puts 5 * "hi"

What is the correct result? (Choose one.)

  • (a) "hihihihihi"
  • (b) An error occurs at run-time.
  • (c) "5hi"
  • (d) "5*hi"