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HyperStore README

Mitch VanDuyn edited this page Feb 7, 2017 · 1 revision


  • HyperStore can be mixed to to any class to turn it into a Flux Store
  • You can also create Stores by subclassing HyperStore::Base
  • Stores are built out of reactive state variables.
  • Components that read a Stores state will be automatically updated when the state changes.
  • All of your shared reactive state should be Stores - The Store is the Truth
  • Stores can receive dispatches from Operations

Here is a simple shopping cart Store that receives Add, Remove and Empty Operations:

class Cart < HyperStore::Base
  # First we will define the two Operations.
  # Because these are closely associated with the Cart
  # we will name space them inside the cart.
  class Add < HyperOperation
    param :item
    param :qty, type: Integer, min: 1
  class Remove < HyperOperation
    param :item
    param :qty, type: Integer, nils: true, min: 1
  class Empty < HyperOperation

  # The cart's state is represented as a hash, items are the keys, qty is the value
  # initialize the hash by receiving the system HyperLoop::Boot or Empty dispatches

  receives HyperLoop::Boot, Empty do
    mutate.items( { |h, k| h[k] = 0 })

  # The stores getter (or reader) method

  def self.items

  def self.empty?

  receives Add do
    # notice we use mutate.items since we are modifying the hash
    mutate.items[params.item] += params.qty

  receives Remove do
    mutate.items[params.item] -= params.qty
    # remove any items with zero qty from the cart
    mutate.items.delete(params.item) if state.items[params.item] < 1

This example demonstrates the two ingredients of a Store:

  • Receiving Operation Dispatches and
  • Reading, and Mutating states.

These are explained in detail below.

Receiving Operation Dispatches

Stores can receive Operation dispatches using the receive method.

The receive method takes an list of Operations, and either a symbol (indicating a class method to call), a proc, or a block.

When the dispatch is received the method, proc, or block will be run within the context of the Store's class (not an instance.) In addition the params method from the Operation will be available to access the Operations parameters.

The Flux paradigm promotes only mutating state inside of receivers.

Hyperloop is less opinionated. You may also add mutator methods to your class. Our recommendation is that you append an exclamation (!) to methods that mutate state.

Note that it is reasonable to have several receivers for the same Operation. This allows subclassing, mixins, and separation of concerns.

Note also that the Ruby scoping rules make it very reasonable to define the Operations to be received by a Store inside the Store's scope. This does not change the semantics of either the Store or the Operation, but simply keeps the name space organized.

Reading and Mutating States

A Store will have one or more Reactive State Variables or State for short. States are read using the state method, and are changed using the mutate method.

state.items reads the current value of the state named items. Hyperloop tracks all reads of state, and mutating those states will trigger a re-render of any Components depending on the current value.

mutate.items returns the current value of the state named items, but also tells Hyperloop that the value is changing, and that any Components depending on the current value will have to be re-rendered.

The one thing you must remember to do is use mutate if you intend to update the internal value of a state. For example if the state contains a hash, and you are updating the Hash's internal value you would use mutate otherwise the change will go unrecorded.

Initializing States

To assign a new value to a state use the mutate method and pass a parameter to the state:

mutate.items( { |h, k| h[k] = 0 })

Reading States

To read the current value of a state use the state method:

state.items # returns current value of items

Typically a store will have quite a few reader (aka getter) methods that hide the details of the state, allowing the Store's implementation to change, without effecting the interface.

Mutating States

Often states hold data structures like arrays, hashes, sets, or other Ruby classes, which may be mutated. For example when you push a new value onto an array you will mutate it. The value of the array does not change, but its contents does. If you are accessing a state with the intent to change its content then use the mutate method:

mutate.items[item] = value

The state_reader and private_state methods

These are convenience methods that reduce code noise:

The state_reader method will

  • initialize a state automatically and
  • create a getter method
state_reader items: { |h, k| h[k] = 0 }, scope: :class
# same as
receives HyperLoop::Boot do
  mutate.items( { |h, k| h[k] = 0 } )
def self.items
# 6 lines for the price of 1!

The :scope option indicates whether the state exists once for the class, or for each instance. More on instance states in a bit.

You may leave off the initializer by just giving the name of the state, and it will be initialized to nil

state_reader :ready? # initialized to nil

You may use the as: option to give a different name to the reader method than the state. This can help make the code more readable. For example:

class Todos < HyperStore::Base
  state_reader todos: [], scope: :class, as: :all
  # now we can internally refer to our state as todos, while
  # externally it can be called Todos.all

The private_state method works the same but does not create the reader method. Its useful for initializing states, and makes the code more readable by declaring upfront what states you are using.

Instances and Classes

Stores are often singleton classes. In an application there is one 'cart' for example.

However sometimes you will want to create a normal Ruby class that acts as a Store. If a state is read or mutated in an instance method, then you will be referring to that instance's copy of the state. When you use state_reader and private_state you can use the scope: :instance option. The only caveat is that if you use state_reader or private_state with scope: :class, then that variable will be directly accessible to the instances as well. In other words you can't have the same state declared at the class and instance level.

On the other hand you can also use the state_reader and private_state method within a classes I DONT KNOW WHAT TO CALL THIS. In this case the default scope is class instead of instance.

class Foo < HyperStore::Base
  class << self
    private_state :bar
    # bar by default is a class state variablle

The HyperStore Mixin

You can also include HyperStore in any class and then use all the methods described above. Useful when you want to add HyperStore capabilities to another class.

States and Promises

If you assign a promise to a state Hyperloop is clever, and will not mutate the state until the promise resolves. Combining this with instance Stores gives a powerful way to encapsulate system behavior.

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