Thanks for taking the time and for your help in improving this project!
To contribute to this project, we need you to sign the Contributor License Agreement (“CLA”) for the first commit you make. By agreeing to the CLA, we can add you to list of approved contributors and review the changes proposed by you.
If you come across any issues or bugs, or have any suggestions for improvement, you can navigate to the specific file in the repo, make the change, and raise a PR.
You can also contribute to any open-source RudderStack project. View our GitHub page to see all the different projects.
We prefer squash or rebase commits so that all changes from a branch are committed to master as a single commit. All pull requests are squashed when merged, but rebasing prior to merge gives you better control over the commit message.
For any questions, concerns, or queries, you can start by asking a question in our Slack community.