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Example Jupyter notebook can be viewed here. It can be executed online here.


Models are in the models folder. The two PMML files are:

  • rf_segmentation.pmml - a "large" model, with 1000 trees (18Mb)
  • rf_segmentation_small.pmml - a "smaller" model, with 162 trees (2.7Mb)
  • rf_segmentation_sklearn.pmml - an sklearn model using the additional events feature


A sample dataset is available here.


For the rf_segmentation_sklearn.pmml model the expected inputs are:

  • age as a double
  • income as a double (in terms of thousands/year, e.g. 100.0)
  • response as an integer, representing (0 no response, 1 response)
  • events as an integer, the campaign number coded as:
    • Airlines, 0
    • Merchandise, 1
    • Hotel, 2
    • Online purchase, 3
    • Utilities, 4
    • Restaurantes, 5
    • Others, 6

The outputs are the probabilities of each segment (low, medium, high).


Sample output from jpmml with the rf_segmentation_small.pmml model:

{age=ContinuousDouble{opType=continuous, dataType=double, value=32.21556819580098}, income=ContinuousDouble{opType=continuous, dataType=double, value=5.370116396577485}, response=ContinuousDouble{opType=continuous, dataType=double, value=0.0}}
{segment=0, probability_0=0.9032258064516129, probability_1=0.0967741935483871, probability_2=0.0, predicted_segment=0}
{age=ContinuousDouble{opType=continuous, dataType=double, value=30.23771420174174}, income=ContinuousDouble{opType=continuous, dataType=double, value=116.99344386773195}, response=ContinuousDouble{opType=continuous, dataType=double, value=1.0}}
{segment=1, probability_0=0.0, probability_1=1.0, probability_2=0.0, predicted_segment=1}
{age=ContinuousDouble{opType=continuous, dataType=double, value=16.658638021134774}, income=ContinuousDouble{opType=continuous, dataType=double, value=221.54952628874256}, response=ContinuousDouble{opType=continuous, dataType=double, value=1.0}}
{segment=2, probability_0=0.0, probability_1=0.04838709677419355, probability_2=0.9516129032258065, predicted_segment=2}

Confidence can be extracted by matching with the predicted output label, e.g. for the first item above, predicted_segment=0, therefore the "confidence" is probability_0=0.9032258064516129.