Variant7. Using API get data about weather in Moscow for current month and store it into your DB: id, weather_state_name, wind_direction_compass, created, applicable_date, min_temp, max_temp, the_temp. Output the data by date (the date is set) in form of a table and sort them by created in ascending order. ' Application Develop a simple (lightweight) 3-tireapplication (front-end, back-end, database).
Back-end (collects data) must:
- Retrieve a portion of data from API (see in your Variant) and store it in a database
- Update data on demand
- Update DB schema if needed on app’supdate
Front-end (outputs data) must:
- Display any portion of the data storedin the DB
- Provide a method to trigger data updateprocess
- Choose Database type and data scheme ina suitable manner.
- Data must be stored in a persistent way
- It’s better to use cloud native DBsolutions like an RDS/AzureSQL/CloudSQL.
Simple Python app to get data from with storing to AWS RDS.
- Cloud - Amazon Web Service (and Google Cloud in another repo but its not completed)
- Backend, frontend apps - Python , Flask, REST API
- DB - RDS ( Postgre SQL)
- IAC - Terraform
- Orchestration - Kubernetes
- Logging - AWS CloudWatch
- Monitoring - AWS CloudWatch Dashboard
- Runtime/Deployment - Ci/Cd Github Action
- Scalability/redundancy - Kubernetes HPA
- Tests - Pylint, Sonarcube, Pytest, Bandit
- Alerts - AWS SNS > Email (TODO - SNS > Lambda > Telegram)
- Alerts for Ci/Cd - Telegram
- Blue\green by wealth with AWS Route 53 Policy
Before start you must declare some SECRETS to GA Store:
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY - AWS access key
- AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - you region
- AWS_SECRET_KEY - AWS secret key
- SONAR_TOKEN - get from
Information about progress - Telegram
- start dialog with @BotFather and create new bot. After take token below "Use this token to access the HTTP API:" its seems like "653654654:GJBkjnfuikbjkbkbgrkjgbkgbnsjkfneladk" and it will be TELEGRAM_TOKEN secret.
- Now start dialog with new bot and open in browser page<<you_token>>/getUpdates, find chat_id seem like 56275476 and its y - - TELEGRAM_TO secret!
- TELEGRAM_TOKEN You will be informed about FAILs in workflow