- usptream server changed from Nginx to Angie - fork with some adds from Nginx Pro https://angie.software/
- add status page with stats for each stream, http(s) and tcp\udp connections
- prometheus endpoint, your can use grafana dashboard https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/20719-angie-dashboard/
- https for console and prometheus
- basic auth for console and prometheus, look for passwd line in dockerfile/angie.dockerfile (angieproxy.dockerfile), set you username and password in line "htpasswd -c -b /etc/angie/.htpasswd user password"
- angie.dockerfile just install package from alpine repo
- angieproxy.dockerfile build Angie from sources with custom module https://github.com/chobits/ngx_http_proxy_connect_module
- all changes from upstream-angie and:
- backend nginx changes to angie
- add status pages for all backend services
- p8s for backend
- torrserver as external due docker service (on host) on upstream
- torrserver have auth basic and ssl
- resolve dynamic endpoint for torrserver inside docker
- remove absolute version for xray and ss
- auth basic user and passwd set by overrride.env
- self docker image runalsh/angie:vpnbotproxy
telegram bot to manage servers (inside the bot)
- change secret
- qr/config
- change fake domain
- multiple users
- subscriptions with routing
- routing templates per user
- steal from yourself
- change login
- change password
- change secret
- change password
- change dns
- add user
- create
- delete
- rename
- timer
- torrent blocking
- qr/config
- statistics
- change password
- on/off v2ray
- qr
- short link
- change password
- change upstream dns
- check dns
- the ability to create your own PAC available by url with the ability to substitute the final ip and port
- change secret
- qr/config
- add/change admin
- change language (en/ru)
- import/export all settings
- domain binding
- obtain ssl for domain
environment: ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04, debian 11/12
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mercurykd/vpnbot/master/scripts/init.sh | sh -s YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_KEY
cd /root/vpnbot
bash scripts/install_as_service.sh