Travelly is a single page page application created using AngularJS that allows users to search for travel destinations based on their interests.
Differently from the most common flight-search websites, Travelly is providing to the user a list of destinations based on the following params:
- budget
- nearest airport
- dates
- a vacation theme
Here you can see the live version:
The entire project is based on AngularJS, two APIs (SkyScanner and Sabre) and Bootstrap 4 Alpha.
The all the technologies used are the following one:
- AngularJS
- SkyScanner API
- Sabre API
- Satellizer
- AWS S3 Storage
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Bcrypt
- Bootstrap 4
- Heroku
- Sublime Editor
- Insomnia
- Trello
- Adobe Photoshop
- Omnigraffe
- Balsamic
- MacDown
- Slack
The user can login with a combination of email/password and Facebook and Twitter. For created the whole register/login system I used Bcrypt for the registration process by username, email and password and Satellizer for creating the login system using the Facebook and Twitter API.
For accomplice the project I also used the following tools:
Insomnia for testing the APIs and later for sending request to my own back-end application.
Trello: as project management tool.
Balasamiq: for the creation of the wireframe
Omnigraffe: for the ERD
Photoshop CC: I used it mainly for create a consistency in the photo resolution and weight.
MacDown: as text editor for creating the ReadMe file.
Heroku: for deploy the website.
I designed the website using the "mobile first" method:
In a later stage I also designed also the web version:
There are a few sections that needs to be styled better, in particular the footer of the landing page. Moreover, the project needs some adjustments on the mobile version using more media queries.
v1.1 (04/10/2016) Login Bugfix
v1.2 Form Validation
v2.0 Add Google Maps API for display the search results on the Map.
v3.0 Messaging system between users.
- Clone the app from Github
- Run "npm i" on the terminal to set up Express.
- Run "node db/seeds" to load the provided user database.
- Run "nodemon" to start the server
- On the browser, go to "localhost:8000"