This project implements various SLAM algorithms in ROS. The algorithms implemented include:
- G-Mapping
- Karto
- Frontier Exploration
- Cartographer
- Hector SLAM
First, run the gazebo_env_<asl/room/def>.sh script. It brings up the Gazebo world you selected. The brings up a custom environment of the Autonomous Systems Lab, SRMIST. Note that this is a custom made environment to suit our requirements. If need be, other inbuilt Gazebo worlds can also be called by using the ather bash scripts.
(Run the bash script by typing bash <> in the terminal)
Next, run the <gmapping/karto/frontier_exploration> script. This opens up Rviz. Once the SLAM process starts, the map will be generated here. Note that the SLAM algorithm can be changed by using the required bash files.
Next, run the for the TurtleBot 3 Burger to Autonomously Navigate throughout and run the SLAM algorithm. Tele operation can also be used to manually control the TurtleBot through the keyboard.
To run the algorithms live on a physical TurtleBot, the ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME need to be set via the terminal by editing the ~/.bashrc script.
The data_coll file contains the measured data of CPU performances, its plots, Python scripts for calculation of various metrics such as SSIM, RMSE, | R |, and | S | and a video of each methods run run.