Objective: To create a command-line e-commerce store project in Python using MySQL database.
- Name: Rushma Parajuli - Student ID: rp1349
- Name: Khem Dhami- Student ID: kbd167
- Name: Safal Niraula- Student ID: st1663
- Name: Khem Hamal- Student ID: kbh346
- Python
- This project is the group project for Methods and Tools class where we used mysql database and a python for the frontend. We decided to go with python because it can create a connection to the databases easily.
An e-commerce store that can be run from the command line.
Once the system is up and running, users will be able to log in or make an account.
Users can not continue unless they log in, and that they have the option to terminate if they don't want to log in.
Once logged in, user must be able to interact with all things, shop, and manage their account.
Projects must be able to store data while the program isn't running.