Welcome to my Data Science learning journey! This repository documents the projects and skills I've acquired following the comprehensive roadmap from Codebasics
This repository serves as a portfolio of my progress and showcases the various projects and skills I've developed during my Data Science learning journey. The roadmap is structured to cover both technical (tool) skills and core (soft) skills over a span of 6 months.
- Description: A collection of exercises and assignments covering Python fundamentals.
- Status: Completed
- Description: Exploration of data manipulation using Pandas and visualization with Matplotlib.
- Status: In Progress
- Description: Completed the Khan Academy course on statistics and probability.
- Status: Completed
- Description: Explored various machine learning concepts, including regression, classification, and clustering.
- Status: In Progress
- Description: End-to-end ML project covering data cleaning, feature engineering, model building, and deployment using Flask.
- Status: Completed
- Description: Image classification project involving data collection, model training, and deployment using Flask.
- Status: Completed
- Description: Completed SQL basics, including queries and joins.
- Status: In Progress
- Description: Explored Power BI through hands-on projects.
- Status: In Progress
- Description: Delved into deep learning concepts and implemented an end-to-end project on image classification.
- Status: In Progress
I want to express my gratitude to codebasics.io for providing an excellent roadmap and learning resources.
Feel free to explore the projects and provide feedback. Happy coding!