It’s been a few years!
multi-items/lists in property buckets have long been a complex issue for me. I’m not sure how common they are in general.The current solution uses dynamic bindings for white listing properties to treat as lists, but I really don’t like that as a solution.
Lately I’m wondering if it can be treated as a single elem when there’s one, or many if there are already many - just react to the data. then have an explicit update list command when you don’t want to overwrite the value. Could even be passed in as a list to imply a concat.
right now it seems to just throw out items with logbooks
maybe via clomacs?
for help dealing with roam duplicate uuid errors (the errors are definitely my fault, but still annoying)
Work has begun here, and works in interactive mode. Sadly this is blocked by the update function mishandling some org cases - in it’s current state it can wipe data from files that get updated. More info is in the parsing/writing todos above.