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Pattern Types and Backwards Compatibility


Pattern types are an in-progress proposal for Rust to add a limited form of refinement types / liquid types to Rust via pattern the pattern notation. Take for example the existing AtomicBool::load operation. Its signature looks like this:

/// A boolean type which can be safely shared between threads.
struct AtomicBool { .. }

impl AtomicBool {
    /// Loads a value from the bool.
    pub fn load(&self, order: Ordering) -> bool { .. }

Atomics are part Rust's memory model, and are how we're able to share data between threads. Depending on what we want to do with an atomic, we'll want to give it a different Ordering argument. Ordering is just an enum, which has the following variants:

pub enum Ordering {

For this example it doesn't exactly matter what each of these variants are for. But what's important is that not all variants are valid arguments for AtomicBool::load. Its documentation says that SeqCst, Acquire, and Relaxed are valid. But if the Release or AcqRel variants are used, it will panic at runtime.

Pattern types would in theory enable us to "shift-left" on this, by encoding the allowed variants directly into the function's parameters. This would encode this invariant directly via the type system, meaning we've "shifted left" from a runtime error (e.g. we need to run tests to find the bug), to a compiler error (e.g. we need to run cargo check to find the bug). Using the pattern types draft RFC, this would look something like this:

struct AtomicBool { .. }
impl AtomicBool {
    pub fn load(&self,
        order: Ordering is Ordering::SeqCst | Ordering::Acquire | Ordering::Relaxed
    ) -> bool { .. }

Backwards-compatibility issues

Moving checks from runtime to compile-time is generally considered a good thing, as it shortens the time it takes to discover bugs. But when we use pattern types as inputs to functions, we're constraining the input space from all variants to just the legal variants. Take for example the following code, which is legal to write today.

pub fn load_wrapper(order: Ordering, bool: &AtomicBool) -> bool {

This code does not know about pattern types, and Rust's backwards-compatibility guarantees require that it keeps compiling in future releases of the compiler. That means that changing AtomicBool::load to require taking pattern types as its input would be a backwards-incompatible change. So we cannot just do that.

One alternative would be to create a duplicate version of AtomicBool which does know how to take pattern types. But duplicating code just to improve it feels pretty bad - instead it would be nice if we could update existing functions without it leading to breaking changes.

Resolving the backwards-compatibility issues

On Zulip people have brought up the idea of using editions to resolve these issues. That might be possible, but it would mean a clean break between code written on an older edition, and code written on a newer edition. And while we can leverage editions to change defaults in the language, this kind of break feels like it would push against the intended goal of maintaining compatibility between editions.

The idea underlying it seems right though: we do want some way to express modality in our type system. We've already done this before using the const effect. Functions tagged as const can be evaluated either during compilation or at runtime. And it's backwards-compatible to take an existing runtime-only fn and change it to a const fn.

fn meow() -> &'static str { "meow" }         // 1. The base `fn meow`
const fn meow() -> &'static str { "meow" }   // 2. Changing `meow` to a `const fn` is backwards-compatible

We could do something very similar with pattern types as well. The base mechanism for this is to define a function which can be compiled in one of two modes:

  1. Invariants are evaluated at compile-time: The pattern types are evaluated by the compiler according to the pattern type RFC. A compiler error is raised if the pattern's invariants are violated.
  2. Invariants are evaluated at runtime: The pattern types are converted to a sequence of assertions, and evaluated at runtime.

The translation here from pattern types to runtime assertions should be fairly mechanical. We could imagine some notation which signals that while a function may declare pattern types, the caller has an option to either evaluate them at runtime or during compilation. Taking our earlier AtomicBool::load example, we could imagine something like this:

struct AtomicBool { .. }
impl AtomicBool {
    pub fn load(&self,
        order: Ordering is Ordering::SeqCst | Ordering::Acquire | Ordering::Relaxed
    ) -> bool { .. }

With this notation, all existing uses of AtomicBool::load would continue working. But optionally it could be called using pattern types, which would be evaluated at compile-time. Depending on which variant of the function is selected, the lowering of the function would change. Desugared, this would roughly look like this:

/// Semantic lowering of `AtomicBool::load`
/// using compile-time checks
pub fn load(&self,
    order: Ordering is Ordering::SeqCst | Ordering::Acquire | Ordering::Relaxed
) -> bool { .. }

/// Semantic lowering of `AtomicBool::load`
/// using runtime assertions
pub fn load(&self, order: Ordering) -> bool {
    match order {
        order @ Ordering::SeqCst | Ordering::Acquire | Ordering::Relaxed => ..,
        order => panic!("Expected `Ordering::{{Acquire | Relaxed | SeqCst}}`, received {order}"),

TODO: Effect logic and notation

  • in its base there are four states possible: always | never | maybe | unknown
  • maybe(pattern_types) is a backwards-compatibility guarantee. Having logical never
    • always markers will put us in a position where we can eventually pull the lever across an edition to default all functions to default to always using pattern types - without breaking any existing code or breaking code compat.
  • unlike maybe(async), by lowering to runtime checks functions which use maybe patterns should always be able to call functions which take always patterns - runtime assertions using match will be enough to shrink the input state to be valid from that point onward
  • the relation to subtyping and return types will affect which states of this system we may want to encode
  • unclear what the benefits are for a strictly "always subtyping" notation
  • in practice we'll want to independently gate the stabilization of pattern types for existing stdlib APIs - which means we need a labeling system in the compiler

Example: how to combine effect states for pattern types

Nadrieril asked the following question:

Consider the case where crate A uses compile-time checks for pattern types and crate B uses crate A but has no knowledge of pattern types. If we encode this choice as an effect, we must be careful not to bubble it up (as effects do) to a function that has no knowledge of pattern types.

Let's write this example out. We're going to write three functions: one which always uses pattern types, one which may use pattern types, and a function which doesn't use pattern types. They all call each other, and that should Just Work. Let's start with the always-pattern function.

/// This function always evaluates pattern
/// types at compile-time.
fn always(num: u8 is 0..10) {
    println!("received number {num}");

There's nothing too special about this function: it always takes a pattern type, meaning we can't just give it any u8 - it needs to fit the pattern. Next, let's write out a maybe-pattern function which either takes a pattern or a base type - and depending on which variant is passed will either validate the input during compilation or at runtime. This will then call into our always function.

/// This function can evaluate pattern types
/// either at compile-time or at runtime
fn maybe(num: u8 is 0..10) {

This function either evaluates patterns during compilation or at runtime. As we've seen before: if a pattern is evaluated at runtime, it will effectively work as a match + panic!. As a result this function guarantees it will always validate its inputs, meaning once we gain access to num in the function body it will always conform to the pattern. And so we have no problem calling the always function.

Next up is our function never, which never evaluates patterns. It takes a bare u8 with no restrictions on it whatsoever. It should be able to call the maybe function without an issue.

/// This function does not reason about pattern types
fn never(num: u8) {

But if we try calling the always function from never, we run into issues:

/// This function does not reason about pattern types
fn never(num: u8) {
    always(num);  // ❌ compiler error

This should result in a compiler error along these lines:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/
4 |     always(num);
  |     ------ ^^^^^ expected `u8 is 0..10`, found `u8`
  |     |
  |     arguments to this function are incorrect

The easiest way to resolve this would be to rewrite the never function to take the same signature as the maybe function. This would insert the correct runtime checks, contraining the value to the right pattern, which as we've seen would make it possible to call the always function without any issues.

How widespread is this?

Maintaining strict backwards-compatibility is primarily a concern for the Rust stdlib. While it might be difficult to create major versions for certain other codebases, the Rust stdlib is in the unique position that it is both used by everyone, and we can never break existing APIs. So when we're looking at using pattern types in input positions, it's okay to assume the Rust stdlib will be the main user of it. To date we know of at least the following APIs which would want to leverage pattern types as inputs:

  • number primitives: Number types in Rust expose a wide range of operations. Take for example a look at the u8 type. It exposes around 20 operations per type which will panic if certain number ranges are passed.
  • atomics: this is the example we've been using in this post. Atomic operations take an Ordering enum, where each operation can only take certain variants of that enum. Being able to check that during compilation would be a boon.
  • iterator methods: For example Iterator::step_by currently takes a usize, but would want to take a usize is 1... The same is true for the unstable Iterator::array_chunks and Iterator::map_windows.

A note on subtyping

So far we have assumed that pattern types will subtype. That means that if we have a u32 is 0..10, we can pass that anywhere a u32 is accepted. And if we have a function that returns a u32, it would not be a breaking change to restrict that to become a pattern. Enabling patterns to subtype would be complicated, and may not be reasonably possible. If that is the case, then changing any argument or return type in any existing API would be backwards-incompatible.

Even if types don't strictly sub-type, it is likely still going to be possible to cast from pattern types back to their base types since it's infallible and should be supported by the language. That means the following would likely be supported:

let x: u8 as 0..10 = 2;
let x: u8 = x as u8;