Use FPGA of choice to link a UART with a TI calculator.
- Should work with all TI calculators featuring TI Link.
- Tested with TI-89 (HW2) and TI Voyage 200 (HW2).
- Fast. Faster than official cables. Fastest. Calculator as bottleneck.
- ~77Kbit/s from TI-89 (HW2 stock) with FPGA running dbus at 8MHz.
- Verilog 2005.
- No dependency on vendor libraries.
- Made for yosys+nextpnr open fpga flow.
- Tested on iCE40 HX/LP/UP FPGAs.
- Custom dbus and uart implementations.
- Parametrized UART rate, DBus clock, buffer sizes.
- Hardware flow control.
- Ring FIFO buffer in both directions.
- Buffer infers FPGA-specific dual port RAM.
- Timeout (2s) on dbus bit transfer:
- Signal error (ground both lines for ~300µs) and dbus reset.
- MIT license. Refer to LICENSE file.
Tested FPGA boards
- BlackIce Mx
- No UART from stm32 as it is hardcoded to 115200 and doesn't do RTS/CTS.
- iCEstick
- iCESugar
- This board builtin UART through stm32 does not do RTS/CTS.
- UART limited to 57600bps as workaround.
- (...)
- TI-89, TI-92+ or Voyage 200 are fast enough to take advantage of this.
- These calculators work reliably with dbus running higher than default, at 8+ MHz.
- This is unnecessary. Performance benefits are negligible.
- Be careful with FPGA i/o pin tolerance.
- TI dbus is maintained at 3.3v with m68k calcs.
- TI dbus is at 5v (!) on some z80 calcs, including TI-86.
- Edit Makefile to uncomment or add fpga board.
- Edit board PCF to suit board board and preference.
- Preferably connect 2.5mm jack sleeve to GND rather than o_sleeve.
- Use pullup resistors (10kΩ suggested) on dbus tip/ring.
- Link68 pretty much just works:
- If using tilp/libticables2:
- No support for plain uart. Pretend it's a grey cable.
- Patch grey cable for the uart device/rate/hwflow.
- Like this (ttyUSB/115200/rtscts):
- If using an uart without hw flow control support with TILP:
- Use this alternative patch (ttyACM/57600/noflow):
- See caveats.
- If using TI official software:
- Pretend it's a grey graphlink cable.
- Use 9600bps, like a grey graphlink cable.
- tilp/libticables2 likes to send files in large packets.
- Some devboards will only accomodate a limited size ring buffer to calculator, which will fill faster than can be sent.
- Flow control takes care of it, and thus it is not an issue.
- If uart flow control is not possible, workaround is to set a slower uart speed in Makefile and in libticables2.
- 57600bps is slow enough for m68k calculator models.
- Write some basic link software as an alternative to TILP.
- Tim Singer/Romain Liévin for TI-73...V200 protocol guide.