Firstly, I would like to thank Philip S. Hirschhorn
for providing exam.cls
. This class code is directly taken from Exam.cls
and it's been slightly modifed to match the need of RV College of Engineering. I don't know whether I can reuse the code with prior permission from Philip S. Hirschhorn
. So I (P Narashimaraja, Assistant professor of RVCE) will take up the sole responsibility if there is any violation in reusing the code.
Since our institution needs to know how many marks of Questions are mapped across the Course Outcomes (CO)s of the subject (course) and also, to know the quality of the questions, through Bloom's Taxonomy levels, and it's distribution across the question sets - I have added some extra code into the original class file.
One can follow all the instructions given in exam.cls
for basic usage of this class. Here I will only try to present the extra/modification of commands to generate the CO & BT table.
- Defining CO and BT level for each question (or) to each part (or) to each subpart. As an example,
: Here the\question
command uses 3 arguments, instead of one. The first argument is for Marks (i.e Marks=10), the second argument is for Course Outcome (i.e CO=2: Maps the current question to 2nd CO of the course) and finally, the third argument is for Bloom's Taxonomy level (i.e L=3: representing the level of this question)
: Similar to the previous case, the sub part represents Marks, CO and BT level with it's argument.
- To generate the table at the end of the paper, use the following command