Deepnet is an open-source library that can be used for solving problems of Computer vision in Deep Learning.
NOTE: This documentation applies to the MASTER version of DeepNet only.
Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
DeepNet currently supports the following features:
Models | Description |
ResNet | ResNet-18 |
ResModNet | A modified version of ResNet-18 |
CustomNet | A modified version of ResNet-18 |
MaskNet3 | A model to predict the Segmentation mask of the given image. |
DepthMaskNet8 | A model to predict the Monocular Depth Maps of the given image. |
Functionality | Description |
Train | Training and Validation of the model |
Model | Handles all the function for training a model |
Dataset | Contains classes to handle data for training the model |
- Mean Absolute Error
- Root Mean Squared Error
- Mean Absolute Relative Error
- Intersection Over Union Error
- Root Mean Square Error
Loss | Description |
Dice | ResNet-18 |
SSIM | A modified version of ResNet-18 |
MSE | Mean squared error (squared L2 norm) between each element in the input and target |
BCE | Binary Cross Entropy between the target and the output |
BCEWithLogitsLoss | Combination of Sigmoid layer and the BCE in one single class |
RMSE | Root mean squared error (squared L2 norm) between each element in the input and target |
Weighted Combination of loss functions
- StepLR
- ReduceLROnPlateau
- OneCycleLR
- Resize
- Padding
- Random Crop
- Horizontal Flip
- Vertical Flip
- Gaussian Blur
- Random Rotation
- CutOut
Utility | Description |
GRADCAM | Calculates GradCAM(Gradient-weighted Class Activation Map) saliency map |
GradCAMpp | Calculate GradCAM++ salinecy map using heatmap and image |
LRFinder | Range test to calculate optimal Learning Rate |
Checkpoint | Loading and saving checkpoints |
ProgressBar | Display Progress bar |
Tensorboard | Creates Tensorboard visualization |
Summary | Display model summary |
Plot | Plot the graph of a metric, prediction image and class accuracy |
DeepNet has the following third-party dependencies
- numpy
- torch
- torchvision
- torchsummary
- tqdm
- matplotlib
- albumentations
- opencv-python
For a demo on how to use these modules, refer to the notebooks present in the examples directory.
If you need any help or want to report a bug, raise an issue in the repo.