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AlgoSDK is a javascript library for communicating with the Algorand network for modern browsers and node.js.



$ npm install algosdk


The dist directory contains a minified version of the library - algosdk.min.js. Include this line in your HTML.

<script src="algosdk.min.js"/>

SDK Development

Run tests with make docker-test

Quick Start

const token = "Your algod API token";
const server = "";
const port = 8080;
const client = new algosdk.Algod(token, server, port);

(async () => {
    console.log(await client.status());
})().catch(e => {


For detailed information about the different API calls in client, visit


Generate an Algorand account

var keys = algosdk.generateAccount();

Example result


Secret key to mnemonic

var mnemonic = algosdk.secretKeyToMnemonic(;

Example result

"gorilla fortune learn marble essay uphold defense hover index effort ice atom figure will improve mom indoor mansion people elder hill material donkey abandon gown"

Mnemonic to secret sey

var secret_key = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(mnemonic);

Example result


Check the validity of an Address


Example result


Sign a transaction

In order to create and sign a transaction, create first an object with the relevant properties. There is no need to specify the from address, it is computed directly from the secretKey.
Note -- The fields names must be identical to the following example's.
Note 2 -- In order to encode data into the note field, simply encode any JavaScript object using algosdk.encodeObj(o).

var txn = { 
    "fee": 10,
    "amount": 847,
    "firstRound": 51,
    "lastRound": 61,
    "genesisID": "devnet-v33.0",
    "genesisHash": "JgsgCaCTqIaLeVhyL6XlRu3n7Rfk2FxMeK+wRSaQ7dI=",
    "note": new Uint8Array(Buffer.from("6gAVR0Nsv5Y=", "base64"))

Then, call signTransaction and pass the transaction along with relevant private key.

var signedTxn = algosdk.signTransaction(txn,;

Now signedTxn can be posted to the network via algod.sendRawTransaction().

Master derivation key to mnemonic

var mnemonic = algosdk.masterDerivationKeyToMnemonic(mdk);

Example result

label danger traffic dream path boss runway worry awful abuse stairs spare wasp clock steel impact swear eagle canal diagram nation upon creek abstract pride

Mnemonic to master derivation key

var mdk = algosdk.mnemonicToMasterDerivationKey(mnemonic);

Example result


Sign a bid

Bids have similar pattern to a transaction. First, create an object with the bid's information

var bid = {
    "bidAmount": 1000,
    "maxPrice": 10,
    "bidID": 2,
    "auctionID": 56

Then, call signBid and pass the bid and information along with the private key.

var signedBid = algosdk.signBid(bid,;

In order to send a bid to the network. Embbed the output of algosdk.signBid to a transaction note's field. For example,

var txn = {
    "fee": 10,
    "amount": 0,
    "firstRound": 51,
    "lastRound": 61,
    "note": <signedBid>

Manipulating Multisig Transactions

This SDK also supports manipulating multisignature payment and keyreg transactions.

To create a multisignature transaction, first set up the multisignature identity:

const params = {
    version: 1,
    threshold: 2,
    addrs: [

With these multisignature parameters, we can now create a (partially) signed multisignature transaction:

let mnem3 = "advice pudding treat near rule blouse same whisper inner electric quit surface sunny dismiss leader blood seat clown cost exist hospital century reform able sponsor";
let seed = passphrase.seedFromMnemonic(mnem3);
let sk = nacl.keyPairFromSeed(seed).secretKey;

let txn = {
    "fee": 10,
    "amount": 10000,
    "firstRound": 1000,
    "lastRound": 1000,
    "genesisID": "devnet-v33.0",
    "genesisHash": "JgsgCaCTqIaLeVhyL6XlRu3n7Rfk2FxMeK+wRSaQ7dI=",
    "note": new Uint8Array(Buffer.from("6gAVR0Nsv5Y=", "base64")),

let rawSignedTxn = algosdk.signMultisigTransaction(txn, params, sk).blob;

Now, we can broadcast this raw partially signed transaction to the network, which is valid if the threhsold is 1. We can also write it to a file (in node):

const fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFile("/tmp/example_multisig.tx", Buffer.from(rawSignedTxn), function(err) {
    if(err) {
        return console.log(err);
    console.log("The file was saved!");

We can import multiple files or raw signed transactions, and merge the multisignature transactions:

let partialTxn1 = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync('/tmp/example_multisig.tx'));
let partialTxn2 = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync('/tmp/example_multisig_two.tx'));
let mergedTsigTxn = algosdk.mergeMultisigTransactions([partialTxn1, partialTxn2]);

We can also append our own signature, with knowledge of the public identity (params):

let partialTxn1 = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync('/tmp/example_multisig.tx'));
const params = {
    version: 1,
    threshold: 2,
    addrs: [
let mnem1 = "auction inquiry lava second expand liberty glass involve ginger illness length room item discover ahead table doctor term tackle cement bonus profit right above catch";
let seed = passphrase.seedFromMnemonic(mnem1);
let sk = nacl.keyPairFromSeed(seed).secretKey;
let appendedMsigTxn = algosdk.appendSignMultisigTransaction(partialTxn1, params, sk).blob;

Any transaction blob returned by the multisignature API can be submitted to the network:

let algodclient = new algosdk.Algod(atoken, aserver, aport);
//submit the transaction
(async () => {
    let tx = (await algodclient.sendRawTransaction(appendedMsigTxn));
})().catch(e => {

Transaction group

Example below show how to group and send transactions:

let txns = [...];  // array of unsigned transactions (dict or Transaction)
let sks = [...];   // array of appropriate secret keys
assert(txns.length == sks.length);

// assign group id
let txgroup = algosdk.assignGroupID(txns);
assert(txgroup.length == sks.length);

// sign all transactions
let signed = [];
for (let idx in txgroup) {
    signed.push(algosdk.signTransaction(txgroup[idx], sks[idx]));
// send array of signed transactions as a group
let algodclient = new algosdk.Algod(atoken, aserver, aport);

LogicSig Transactions

Demonstrate delegation for a standard account.

// recover keys from mnemonic
let mnem = "auction inquiry lava second expand liberty glass involve ginger illness length room item discover ahead table doctor term tackle cement bonus profit right above catch";
let seed = passphrase.seedFromMnemonic(mnem1);
let keys = nacl.keyPairFromSeed(seed);
let sender_pk = address.encode(keys.publicKey)

// create LogicSig object and sign with our secret key
let program = Uint8Array.from([1, 32, 1, 0, 34]);  // int 0 => never transfer money
let lsig = algosdk.makeLogicSig(program);

assert lsig.verify(sender_pk);

// create transaction
let txn = {
    "from": sender,
    "fee": 10,
    "amount": 10000,
    "firstRound": 1000,
    "lastRound": 1000,
    "genesisID": "devnet-v33.0",
    "genesisHash": "JgsgCaCTqIaLeVhyL6XlRu3n7Rfk2FxMeK+wRSaQ7dI=",
    "note": new Uint8Array(Buffer.from("6gAVR0Nsv5Y=", "base64")),

// create logic signed transaction.
let rawSignedTxn = algosdk.signLogicSigTransaction(txn, lsig).blob;

let algodclient = new algosdk.Algod(atoken, aserver, aport);


The Algorand protocol allows users to create and trade named assets on layer one. Creating and managing these assets is done through the issuing of asset transactions. This section details how to make asset transactions, and what they do.

Asset creation: This allows a user to issue a new asset. The user can define the number of assets in circulation, whether there is an account that can revoke assets, whether there is an account that can freeze user accounts, whether there is an account that can be considered the asset reserve, and whether there is an account that can change the other accounts. The creating user can also do things like specify a name for the asset.

let addr = "BH55E5RMBD4GYWXGX5W5PJ5JAHPGM5OXKDQH5DC4O2MGI7NW4H6VOE4CP4"; // the account issuing the transaction; the asset creator
let fee = 10; // the number of microAlgos per byte to pay as a transaction fee
let defaultFrozen = false; // whether user accounts will need to be unfrozen before transacting
let genesisHash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI="; // hash of the genesis block of the network to be used
let totalIssuance = 100; // total number of this asset in circulation
let decimals = 0; // hint that the units of this asset are whole-integer amounts
let reserve = addr; // specified address is considered the asset reserve (it has no special privileges, this is only informational)
let freeze = addr; // specified address can freeze or unfreeze user asset holdings
let clawback = addr; // specified address can revoke user asset holdings and send them to other addresses
let manager = addr; // specified address can change reserve, freeze, clawback, and manager
let unitName = "tst"; // used to display asset units to user
let assetName = "testcoin"; // "friendly name" of asset
let genesisID = ""; // like genesisHash this is used to specify network to be used
let firstRound = 322575; // first Algorand round on which this transaction is valid
let lastRound = 322575; // last Algorand round on which this transaction is valid
let note = undefined; // arbitrary data to be stored in the transaction; here, none is stored
let assetURL = "http://someurl"; // optional string pointing to a URL relating to the asset 
let assetMetadataHash = "16efaa3924a6fd9d3a4824799a4ac65d"; // optional hash commitment of some sort relating to the asset. 32 character length.

// signing and sending "txn" allows "addr" to create an asset
let txn = algosdk.makeAssetCreateTxn(addr, fee, firstRound, lastRound, note,
    genesisHash, genesisID, totalIssuance, decimals, defaultFrozen, manager, reserve, freeze, clawback,
    unitName, assetName, assetURL, assetMetadataHash);

Asset reconfiguration: This allows the address specified as manager to change any of the special addresses for the asset, such as the reserve address. To keep an address the same, it must be re-specified in each new configuration transaction. Supplying an empty address is the same as turning the associated feature off for this asset. Once a special address is set to the empty address, it can never change again. For example, if an asset configuration transaction specifying clawback="" were issued, the associated asset could never be revoked from asset holders, and clawback="" would be true for all time. The optional strictEmptyAddressChecking argument can help with this behavior: when set to its default true, makeAssetConfigTxn will throw if any undefined management addresses are passed.

let fee = 10;
let assetIndex = 1234;
let genesisHash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=";
let manager = addr;
let reserve = addr;
let freeze = addr;
let clawback = addr;
let genesisID = "";
let firstRound = 322575;
let lastRound = 322575;
let note = undefined;
let strictEmptyAddressChecking = true;

// signing and sending "txn" will allow the asset manager to change:
// asset manager, asset reserve, asset freeze manager, asset revocation manager 
let txn = algosdk.makeAssetConfigTxn(addr, fee, firstRound, lastRound, note, genesisHash, genesisID,
    assetIndex, manager, reserve, freeze, clawback, strictEmptyAddressChecking);

Asset destruction: This allows the creator to remove the asset from the ledger, if all outstanding assets are held by the creator.

let fee = 10;
let assetIndex = 1234;
let genesisHash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=";
let genesisID = "";
let firstRound = 322575;
let lastRound = 322575;
let note = undefined;

// if all outstanding assets are held by the asset creator,
// the asset creator can sign and issue "txn" to remove the asset from the ledger. 
let txn = algosdk.makeAssetDestroyTxn(addr, fee, firstRound, lastRound, note, genesisHash, genesisID, assetIndex);

Begin accepting an asset: Before a user can begin transacting with an asset, the user must first issue an asset acceptance transaction. This is a special case of the asset transfer transaction, where the user sends 0 assets to themself. After issuing this transaction, the user can begin transacting with the asset. Each new accepted asset increases the user's minimum balance.

let fee = 10;
let sender = addr;
let recipient = sender;
let revocationTarget = undefined;
let closeRemainderTo = undefined;
let assetIndex = 1234;
let amount = 0;
let genesisHash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=";
let genesisID = "";
let firstRound = 322575;
let lastRound = 322575;
let note = undefined;

// signing and sending "txn" allows sender to begin accepting asset specified by creator and index
let txn = algosdk.makeAssetTransferTxn(sender, recipient, closeRemainderTo, revocationTarget,
    fee, amount, firstRound, lastRound, note, genesisHash, genesisID, assetIndex);

Transfer an asset: This allows users to transact with assets, after they have issued asset acceptance transactions. The optional closeRemainderTo argument can be used to stop transacting with a particular asset. Note: A frozen account can always close out to the asset creator.

let fee = 10;
let sender = addr;
let revocationTarget = undefined;
let closeRemainderTo = undefined; // supply an address to close remaining balance after transfer to supplied address
let assetIndex = 1234;
let amount = 10;
let genesisHash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=";
let genesisID = "";
let firstRound = 322575;
let lastRound = 322575;
let note = undefined;

// signing and sending "txn" will send "amount" assets from "sender" to "recipient"
let txn = algosdk.makeAssetTransferTxn(sender, recipient, closeRemainderTo, revocationTarget,
    fee, amount, firstRound, lastRound, note, genesisHash, genesisID, assetIndex);

Revoke an asset: This allows an asset's revocation manager to transfer assets on behalf of another user. It will only work when issued by the asset's revocation manager.

let fee = 10;
let sender = addr;
let recipient = addr;
let closeRemainderTo = undefined; 
let assetIndex = 1234;
let amount = 10;
let genesisHash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=";
let genesisID = "";
let firstRound = 322575;
let lastRound = 322575;
let note = undefined;

// signing and sending "txn" will send "amount" assets from "revocationTarget" to "recipient",
// if and only if sender == clawback manager for this asset
let txn = algosdk.makeAssetTransferTxn(sender, recipient, closeRemainderTo, revocationTarget,
    fee, amount, firstRound, lastRound, note, genesisHash, genesisID, assetIndex);


js-algorand-sdk is licensed under a MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.